
This is MiscDelegateFlags.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

#ifndef __MiscDelegateFlags_h
#define __MiscDelegateFlags_h
#ifdef __GNUC__
# pragma interface
//	Copyright (C) 1995-1997 by Paul S. McCarthy and Eric Sunshine.
//		Written by Paul S. McCarthy and Eric Sunshine.
//			    All Rights Reserved.
//	This notice may not be removed from this source code.
//	This object is included in the MiscKit by permission from the authors
//	and its use is governed by the MiscKit license, found in the file
//	"License.rtf" in the MiscKit distribution.  Please refer to that file
//	for a list of all applicable permissions and restrictions.
// MiscDelegateFlags.h
//	Flags indicating which selectors a delegate responds to.
// $Id: MiscDelegateFlags.h,v 1.8 97/06/18 10:26:48 sunshine Exp $
// $Log:	MiscDelegateFlags.h,v $
// Revision 1.8  97/06/18  10:26:48  sunshine
// v125.9: highlightTextColor --> selectedTextColor
// highlightBackgroundColor --> selectedBackgroundColor
// buffCount --> bufferCount
// Revision 1.7  97/04/01  07:44:15  sunshine
// v0.125.5: Ported to OPENSTEP 4.2 prerelease for NT by including NSObject.h
// rather than objc.h.  When objc.h was imported, gcc was unable to
// recognize following 'class' keyword.  I have not examined objc.h yet to 
// determine why this was happening.
// Revision 1.6  97/03/10  10:13:21  sunshine
// v113.1: Added editing call backs.
// tableScroll:getISearchCol: --> tableScroll:getISearchColumn:
#include "bool.h"
extern "Objective-C" {
#import <Foundation/NSObject.h>

class MiscDelegateFlags
    enum Selector
	DEL_SLOT_DRAGGED,		// tableScroll:border:slotDraggedFro...
	DEL_SLOT_REVERSED,		// tableScroll:border:slotSortReversed:
	DEL_SLOT_RESIZED,		// tableScroll:border:slotResized:
	DEL_CHANGE_FONT,		// tableScroll:changeFont:to:
	DEL_FONT_CHANGED,		// tableScroll:fontChangedFrom:to:
	DEL_BACK_COLOR_CHANGED,		// tableScroll:backgroundColorChange...
	DEL_BACK_SEL_COLOR_CHANGED,	// tableScroll:selectedBackgroundCol...
	DEL_TEXT_COLOR_CHANGED,		// tableScroll:textColorChangedTo:
	DEL_TEXT_SEL_COLOR_CHANGED,	// tableScroll:selectedTextColorChan...
	DEL_GET_ISEARCH_COL,		// tableScroll:getISearchColumn:
	DEL_BUFFER_COUNT,		// tableScrollBufferCount:
	DEL_SLOT_PROTOTYPE,		// tableScroll:border:slotPrototype:
	DEL_SLOT_TITLE,			// tableScroll:border:slotTitle:
	DEL_CELL_AT,			// tableScroll:cellAtRow:column:
	DEL_REVIVE_CELL,		// tableScroll:reviveCell:atRow:column:
	DEL_RETIRE_CELL,		// tableScroll:retireCell:atRow:column:
	DEL_TAG_AT,			// tableScroll:tagAtRow:column:
	DEL_INT_VALUE_AT,		// tableScroll:intValueAtRow:column:
	DEL_FLOAT_VALUE_AT,		// tableScroll:floatValueAtRow:column:
	DEL_DOUBLE_VALUE_AT,		// tableScroll:doubleValueAtRow:column:
	DEL_STRING_VALUE_AT,		// tableScroll:stringValueAtRow:column:
	DEL_TITLE_AT,			// tableScroll:titleAtRow:column:
	DEL_STATE_AT,			// tableScroll:stateAtRow:column:
	DEL_REGISTER_SERVICE_TYPES,	// tableScrollRegisterServicesTypes:
	DEL_VALID_REQUESTOR,		// tableScroll:validRequestorForSend...
	DEL_CAN_WRITE_PB_TYPE,		// tableScroll:canWritePboardType:
	DEL_STRING_FOR_PB_TYPE,		// tableScroll:stringForPboardType:
	DEL_WRITE_SEL_TO_PB_TYPES,	// tableScroll:writeSelectionToPaste...
	DEL_READ_SEL_FROM_PB,		// tableScroll:readSelectionFromPast...
	DEL_ALLOW_DRAG,			// tableScroll:allowDragOperationAtR...
	DEL_PREPARE_PB_FOR_DRAG,	// tableScroll:preparePasteboard:for...
	DEL_IMAGE_FOR_DRAG,		// tableScroll:imageForDragOperation...
	DEL_DRAG_OP_MASK,		// tableScroll:draggingSourceOperati...
	DEL_DRAG_IGNORE_MODIFIERS,	// tableScrollIgnoreModifierKeysWhil...
	DEL_WILL_PRINT,			// tableScrollWillPrint:
	DEL_DID_PRINT,			// tableScrollDidPrint:
	DEL_PRINT_PAGE_HEADER,		// tableScroll:willPrintPageHeader:i...
	DEL_PRINT_PAGE_FOOTER,		// tableScroll:willPrintPageFooter:i...
	DEL_CAN_EDIT_AT,		// tableScroll:canEdit:atRow:column:
	DEL_EDIT_AT,			// tableScroll:edit:atRow:column:
	DEL_SET_STRINGVALUE_AT,		// tableScroll:setStringValue:atRow:...
	DEL_ABORT_EDIT_AT,		// tableScroll:abortEditAtRow:column:
	DEL_WILL_EDIT_AT,		// tableScroll:willEditAtRow:column:
	DEL_DID_EDIT_AT,		// tableScroll:didEdit:atRow:column:
	DEL_TEXT_DID_END,		// controlTextDidEndEditing:
	DEL_TEXT_DID_CHANGE,		// controlTextDidBeginEditing:
	DEL_TEXT_DID_GET_KEYS,		// controlTextDidChange:
	DEL_TEXT_WILL_CHANGE,		// control:textShouldBeginEditing:
	DEL_TEXT_WILL_END,		// control:textShouldEndEditing:


    int const SET_SIZE = ((MAX_DEL_ENUM - 1) / 8) + 1;
    unsigned char set[ SET_SIZE ];

    MiscDelegateFlags( id delegate = 0 ) { setDelegate( delegate ); }
    void setDelegate( id delegate );
    bool respondsTo( Selector ) const;

    static SEL selToObjc( Selector );
    static Selector objcToSel( SEL );	// Returns BAD_DEL_ENUM if not found.

#endif // __MiscDelegateFlags_h

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.