
This is mmesap.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

*                      Mesa bindings for SciTech MGL
*                   Copyright (C) 1996 SciTech Software.
*                           All rights reserved.
* Filename:     $Workfile:   mmesap.h  $
* Version:      $Revision:   1.3  $
* Language:     ANSI C
* Environment:  Any
* Description:  Internal header file for the Mesa/OpenGL interface bindings
*               for the SciTech MGL graphics library. 
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
* Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
* $Date:   07 Apr 1997 17:21:52  $ $Author:   KendallB  $

#ifndef __MMESAP_H
#define __MMESAP_H

#include "mgl_int.h"
#include "context.h"
#include "matrix.h"
#include "types.h"
#include "vb.h"
#include "halftone.h"

/*---------------------- Macros and type definitions ----------------------*/

/* Internal Mesa rendering context */

struct MGLMesaContext {
    GLcontext       *gl_ctx;            /* the core Mesa context        */
    GLvisual        *gl_vis;            /* describes the color buffer   */
    GLframebuffer   *gl_buffer;         /* the ancillary buffers        */
    MGLDC           *dc;                /* Rendering DC                 */
    MGLDC           *dispdc;            /* Display DC                   */
    MGLDC           *memdc;             /* Memory DC back buffer        */
    color_t         clearColor;         /* Color to clear device with   */
    color_t         color;              /* Current color                */
    uchar           red,green,blue;     /* RGB components for color     */
    int             bottom;             /* Bottom coordinate for buffer */
    int             bufferMode;         /* Current buffer access mode   */
    int             frontbuffer;        /* Page index of front buffer   */
    int             backbuffer;         /* Page index of back buffer    */
    uint            pixelformat;        /* Current pixel format         */
    uint            undithered_pf;      /* Undithered pixel format      */
    uint            dithered_pf;        /* Dithered pixel format        */

/* Macros for MGL API callbacks when running in a DLL for Windows */

#ifdef  __WINDOWS__
#define MGL_makeCurrentDC(dc)                                               _MGL_callbacks.makeCurrentDC(dc)
#define MGL_clearCurrentDC()                                                _MGL_callbacks.makeCurrentDC(NULL)
#define MGL_setActivePage(dc,page)                                          _MGL_callbacks.setActivePage(dc,page)
#define MGL_setVisualPage(dc,page,waitVRT)                                  _MGL_callbacks.setVisualPage(dc,page,waitVRT)
#define MGL_surfaceAccessType(dc)                                           _MGL_callbacks.surfaceAccessType(dc)
#define MGL_isDisplayDC(dc)                                                 _MGL_callbacks.isDisplayDC(dc)
#define MGL_isWindowedDC(dc)                                                _MGL_callbacks.isWindowedDC(dc)
#define MGL_isMemoryDC(dc)                                                  _MGL_callbacks.isMemoryDC(dc)
#define MGL_createMemoryDC(xSize,ySize,bitsPerPixel,pf)                     _MGL_callbacks.createMemoryDC(xSize,ySize,bitsPerPixel,pf)
#define MGL_destroyDC(dc)                                                   _MGL_callbacks.destroyDC(dc)
#define MGL_bitBltCoord(dst,src,left,top,right,bottom,dstLeft,dstTop,op)    _MGL_callbacks.bitBltCoord(dst,src,left,top,right,bottom,dstLeft,dstTop,op)
#define MGL_setPaletteEntry(dc,entry,red,green,blue)                        _MGL_callbacks.setPaletteEntry(dc,entry,red,green,blue)
#define MGL_setPalette(dc,pal,numColors,startIndex)                         _MGL_callbacks.setPalette(dc,pal,numColors,startIndex)
#define MGL_getPalette(dc,pal,numColors,startIndex)                         _MGL_callbacks.getPalette(dc,pal,numColors,startIndex)
#define MGL_realizePalette(dc,numColors,startIndex,waitVRT)                 _MGL_callbacks.realizePalette(dc,numColors,startIndex,waitVRT)
#define MGL_clearCurrentDC()                                                MGL_makeCurrentDC(NULL);

/* Macro to pack a color value for use by the MGL rendering functions. Since
 * Mesa pre-scales our color values for us to the correct range we simply
 * need to shift and combine the color values into the final packed color
 * value used by the MGL.

#define PACK_COLOR(R,G,B)                   \
    ((ulong)(R) << PF.redPos)           \
    | ((ulong)(G) << PF.greenPos)       \
    | ((ulong)(B) << PF.bluePos)

#define UNPACK_COLOR(c,R,G,B)                                       \
{                                                                   \
 (R) = (uchar)(((ulong)(c) >> PF.redPos) & PF.redMask);     \
 (G) = (uchar)(((ulong)(c) >> PF.greenPos) & PF.greenMask); \
 (B) = (uchar)(((ulong)(c) >> PF.bluePos) & PF.blueMask);       \

/* Converts a GL window Y coord to an X window Y coord */

#define FLIP(Y)  (RC.bottom - (Y))

/* Values for RC.pixelformat */

#define PF_INDEX        1       /* Color Index mode                     */
#define PF_RGB8         2       /* 8bpp RGB without dithering           */
#define PF_DITHER8      3       /* 8bpp RGB dithered                    */
#define PF_RGB555       4       /* 15bpp RGB without dithering          */
#define PF_DITHER555    5       /* 15bpp RGB dithered                   */
#define PF_RGB565       6       /* 16bpp RGB without dithering          */
#define PF_DITHER565    7       /* 16bpp RGB dithered                   */
#define PF_RGB888       8       /* 24bpp RGB TrueColor                  */
#define PF_BGR888       9       /* 24bpp BGR TrueColor                  */
#define PF_ARGB8888     10      /* 32bpp ARGB TrueColor                 */
#define PF_ABGR8888     11      /* 32bpp ABGR TrueColor                 */
#define PF_RGBA8888     12      /* 32bpp RGBA TrueColor                 */
#define PF_BGRA8888     13      /* 32bpp BGRA TrueColor                 */

/* Macros to directly access the software z-buffer */

#define ZBUF_ADDR(x,y)                                          \
    ((GLdepth _HUGE*)(RC.dc->zbuffer)                           \
        + (((y) - RC.dc->size.top) * (long)RC.dc->zwidth)       \
        + (x) - RC.dc->size.left)

/* Macros for 8bpp direct surface access */

#define PACKED8_pixelAddr(x,y)  \
     ((void*)((uchar _HUGE *)RC.dc->surface + ((long)y * MI.bytesPerLine) + x))

#define PACK_COLOR_8(R,G,B)                                     \
    (uchar)(20 + _MGL_div51[R] + _MGL_mul6[_MGL_div51[G]] +     \

/* Macros for 16bpp direct surface access */

#define PACKED16_pixelAddr(x,y) \
     ((void*)((uchar _HUGE *)RC.dc->surface + ((long)y * MI.bytesPerLine) + x*2))

#define PACK_COLOR_555(R,G,B)               \
    (ushort)(((ulong)(R) << 10)             \
            | ((ulong)(G) << 5)             \
            | ((ulong)(B) << 0))

#define PACK_COLOR_565(R,G,B)               \
    (ushort)(((ulong)(R) << 11)             \
            | ((ulong)(G) << 5)             \
            | ((ulong)(B) << 0))

#define UNPACK_COLOR_555(c,R,G,B)                   \
{                                                   \
 (R) = (uchar)(((ulong)(c) >> 10) & 0x3);           \
 (G) = (uchar)(((ulong)(c) >> 5) & 0x3);            \
 (B) = (uchar)(((ulong)(c) >> 0) & 0x3);            \

#define UNPACK_COLOR_565(c,R,G,B)                   \
{                                                   \
 (R) = (uchar)(((ulong)(c) >> 11) & 0x3);           \
 (G) = (uchar)(((ulong)(c) >> 5) & 0x7);            \
 (B) = (uchar)(((ulong)(c) >> 0) & 0x3);            \

/* Macros for 24bpp direct surface access */

#define PACKED24_pixelAddr(x,y) \
     ((void*)((uchar _HUGE *)RC.dc->surface + ((long)y * MI.bytesPerLine) + x*3))

#define PACK_COLOR_RGB(R,G,B)       \
    ((ulong)(R) << 16)              \
    | ((ulong)(G) << 8)             \
    | ((ulong)(B) << 0)

#define PACK_COLOR_BGR(R,G,B)       \
    ((ulong)(R) << 0)               \
    | ((ulong)(G) << 8)             \
    | ((ulong)(B) << 16)

#define UNPACK_COLOR_RGB(c,R,G,B)                   \
{                                                   \
 (R) = (uchar)(((ulong)(c) >> 16) & 0xFF);          \
 (G) = (uchar)(((ulong)(c) >> 8) & 0xFF);           \
 (B) = (uchar)(((ulong)(c) >> 0) & 0xFF);           \

#define UNPACK_COLOR_BGR(c,R,G,B)                   \
{                                                   \
 (R) = (uchar)(((ulong)(c) >> 0) & 0xFF);           \
 (G) = (uchar)(((ulong)(c) >> 8) & 0xFF);           \
 (B) = (uchar)(((ulong)(c) >> 16) & 0xFF);          \

/* Macros for 32bpp direct surface access */

#define PACKED32_pixelAddr(x,y) \
     ((void*)((uchar _HUGE *)RC.dc->surface + ((long)y * MI.bytesPerLine) + x*4))

#define PACK_COLOR_ARGB(R,G,B)      \
    ((ulong)(R) << 16)              \
    | ((ulong)(G) << 8)             \
    | ((ulong)(B) << 0)

#define PACK_COLOR_ABGR(R,G,B)      \
    ((ulong)(R) << 0)               \
    | ((ulong)(G) << 8)             \
    | ((ulong)(B) << 16)

#define PACK_COLOR_RGBA(R,G,B)      \
    ((ulong)(R) << 24)              \
    | ((ulong)(G) << 16)            \
    | ((ulong)(B) << 8)

#define PACK_COLOR_BGRA(R,G,B)      \
    ((ulong)(R) << 8)               \
    | ((ulong)(G) << 16)            \
    | ((ulong)(B) << 24)

#define UNPACK_COLOR_ARGB(c,R,G,B)                  \
{                                                   \
 (R) = (uchar)(((ulong)(c) >> 16) & 0xFF);          \
 (G) = (uchar)(((ulong)(c) >> 8) & 0xFF);           \
 (B) = (uchar)(((ulong)(c) >> 0) & 0xFF);           \

#define UNPACK_COLOR_ABGR(c,R,G,B)                  \
{                                                   \
 (R) = (uchar)(((ulong)(c) >> 0) & 0xFF);           \
 (G) = (uchar)(((ulong)(c) >> 8) & 0xFF);           \
 (B) = (uchar)(((ulong)(c) >> 16) & 0xFF);          \

#define UNPACK_COLOR_RGBA(c,R,G,B)                  \
{                                                   \
 (R) = (uchar)(((ulong)(c) >> 24) & 0xFF);          \
 (G) = (uchar)(((ulong)(c) >> 16) & 0xFF);          \
 (B) = (uchar)(((ulong)(c) >> 8) & 0xFF);           \

#define UNPACK_COLOR_BGRA(c,R,G,B)                  \
{                                                   \
 (R) = (uchar)(((ulong)(c) >> 8) & 0xFF);           \
 (G) = (uchar)(((ulong)(c) >> 16) & 0xFF);          \
 (B) = (uchar)(((ulong)(c) >> 24) & 0xFF);          \

/*--------------------------- Global Variables ----------------------------*/

#define RC      _MM_rc
#define MI      _MGL_mi
#define PF      _MGL_pf
#define VECS    _MGL_vecs
extern MGLRC            _MM_rc;         /* Current rendering context    */
extern MGLRC            *_MM_rcPtr;     /* Pointer to current context   */
extern gmode_t          _MGL_mi;        /* MGL mode information         */
extern pixel_format_t   _MGL_pf;        /* MGL mode pixel format        */
extern vecs             _MGL_vecs;      /* MGL Rendering vectors        */

/*------------------------- Function Prototypes ---------------------------*/

/* General functions */

void setup_DD_pointers(GLcontext *ctx);
points_func mmesa_get_points_func(GLcontext *ctx);
line_func mmesa_get_line_func(GLcontext *ctx);
triangle_func mmesa_get_triangle_func(GLcontext *ctx);

/* 8bpp rendering functions */

void _mmesa_write_span_ci(GLcontext *ctx,GLuint n, GLint x, GLint y,GLuint index[],GLubyte mask[]);
void _mmesa_write_span_8_8(GLcontext *ctx,GLuint n, GLint x, GLint y,GLubyte red[], GLubyte green[],GLubyte blue[],GLubyte alpha[],GLubyte mask[]);
void _mmesa_write_span_8_DITHER8(GLcontext *ctx,GLuint n, GLint x, GLint y,GLubyte red[], GLubyte green[],GLubyte blue[],GLubyte alpha[],GLubyte mask[]);
void _mmesa_write_span_mono_ci(GLcontext *ctx,GLuint n,GLint x,GLint y,GLubyte mask[]);
void _mmesa_write_span_mono_8(GLcontext *ctx,GLuint n,GLint x,GLint y,GLubyte mask[]);
void _mmesa_write_span_mono_8_DITHER8(GLcontext *ctx,GLuint n,GLint x,GLint y,GLubyte mask[]);
void _mmesa_write_pixels_ci(GLcontext *ctx,GLuint n, GLint x[],GLint y[],GLuint index[], GLubyte mask[]);
void _mmesa_write_pixels_8_8(GLcontext *ctx,GLuint n, GLint x[],GLint y[],GLubyte r[], GLubyte g[],GLubyte b[],GLubyte a[],GLubyte mask[]);
void _mmesa_write_pixels_8_DITHER8(GLcontext *ctx,GLuint n, GLint x[],GLint y[],GLubyte r[], GLubyte g[],GLubyte b[],GLubyte a[],GLubyte mask[]);
void _mmesa_write_pixels_mono_ci(GLcontext *ctx,GLuint n,GLint x[],GLint y[],GLubyte mask[]);
void _mmesa_write_pixels_mono_8(GLcontext *ctx,GLuint n,GLint x[],GLint y[],GLubyte mask[]);
void _mmesa_write_pixels_mono_8_DITHER8(GLcontext *ctx,GLuint n,GLint x[],GLint y[],GLubyte mask[]);
void _mmesa_read_span_ci(GLcontext *ctx,GLuint n, GLint x, GLint y,GLuint index[]);
void _mmesa_read_span_8(GLcontext *ctx,GLuint n, GLint x, GLint y,GLubyte red[], GLubyte green[],GLubyte blue[], GLubyte alpha[]);
void _mmesa_read_pixels_ci(GLcontext *ctx,GLuint n, GLint x[],GLint y[],GLuint index[], GLubyte mask[]);
void _mmesa_read_pixels_8(GLcontext *ctx,GLuint n, GLint x[],GLint y[],GLubyte red[], GLubyte green[],GLubyte blue[],GLubyte alpha[],GLubyte mask[]);

/* 15/16bpp rendering functions */ 

void _mmesa_write_span_16_555(GLcontext *ctx,GLuint n, GLint x, GLint y,GLubyte red[], GLubyte green[],GLubyte blue[],GLubyte alpha[],GLubyte mask[]);
void _mmesa_write_span_16_565(GLcontext *ctx,GLuint n, GLint x, GLint y,GLubyte red[], GLubyte green[],GLubyte blue[],GLubyte alpha[],GLubyte mask[]);
void _mmesa_write_span_16_DITHER555(GLcontext *ctx,GLuint n, GLint x, GLint y,GLubyte red[], GLubyte green[],GLubyte blue[],GLubyte alpha[],GLubyte mask[]);
void _mmesa_write_span_16_DITHER565(GLcontext *ctx,GLuint n, GLint x, GLint y,GLubyte red[], GLubyte green[],GLubyte blue[],GLubyte alpha[],GLubyte mask[]);
void _mmesa_write_span_mono_16(GLcontext *ctx,GLuint n,GLint x,GLint y,GLubyte mask[]);
void _mmesa_write_span_mono_16_DITHER555(GLcontext *ctx,GLuint n,GLint x,GLint y,GLubyte mask[]);
void _mmesa_write_span_mono_16_DITHER565(GLcontext *ctx,GLuint n,GLint x,GLint y,GLubyte mask[]);
void _mmesa_write_pixels_16_555(GLcontext *ctx,GLuint n, GLint x[],GLint y[],GLubyte r[], GLubyte g[],GLubyte b[],GLubyte a[],GLubyte mask[]);
void _mmesa_write_pixels_16_565(GLcontext *ctx,GLuint n, GLint x[],GLint y[],GLubyte r[], GLubyte g[],GLubyte b[],GLubyte a[],GLubyte mask[]);
void _mmesa_write_pixels_16_DITHER555(GLcontext *ctx,GLuint n, GLint x[],GLint y[],GLubyte r[], GLubyte g[],GLubyte b[],GLubyte a[],GLubyte mask[]);
void _mmesa_write_pixels_16_DITHER565(GLcontext *ctx,GLuint n, GLint x[],GLint y[],GLubyte r[], GLubyte g[],GLubyte b[],GLubyte a[],GLubyte mask[]);
void _mmesa_write_pixels_mono_16(GLcontext *ctx,GLuint n,GLint x[],GLint y[],GLubyte mask[]);
void _mmesa_write_pixels_mono_16_DITHER555(GLcontext *ctx,GLuint n,GLint x[],GLint y[],GLubyte mask[]);
void _mmesa_write_pixels_mono_16_DITHER565(GLcontext *ctx,GLuint n,GLint x[],GLint y[],GLubyte mask[]);
void _mmesa_read_span_16_555(GLcontext *ctx,GLuint n, GLint x, GLint y,GLubyte red[], GLubyte green[],GLubyte blue[], GLubyte alpha[]);
void _mmesa_read_span_16_565(GLcontext *ctx,GLuint n, GLint x, GLint y,GLubyte red[], GLubyte green[],GLubyte blue[], GLubyte alpha[]);
void _mmesa_read_pixels_16_555(GLcontext *ctx,GLuint n, GLint x[],GLint y[],GLubyte red[], GLubyte green[],GLubyte blue[],GLubyte alpha[],GLubyte mask[]);
void _mmesa_read_pixels_16_565(GLcontext *ctx,GLuint n, GLint x[],GLint y[],GLubyte red[], GLubyte green[],GLubyte blue[],GLubyte alpha[],GLubyte mask[]);

/* 24bpp rendering functions */

void _mmesa_write_span_24_RGB(GLcontext *ctx,GLuint n, GLint x, GLint y,GLubyte red[], GLubyte green[],GLubyte blue[],GLubyte alpha[],GLubyte mask[]);
void _mmesa_write_span_24_BGR(GLcontext *ctx,GLuint n, GLint x, GLint y,GLubyte red[], GLubyte green[],GLubyte blue[],GLubyte alpha[],GLubyte mask[]);
void _mmesa_write_span_mono_24_RGB(GLcontext *ctx,GLuint n,GLint x,GLint y,GLubyte mask[]);
void _mmesa_write_span_mono_24_BGR(GLcontext *ctx,GLuint n,GLint x,GLint y,GLubyte mask[]);
void _mmesa_write_pixels_24_RGB(GLcontext *ctx,GLuint n, GLint x[],GLint y[],GLubyte r[], GLubyte g[],GLubyte b[],GLubyte a[],GLubyte mask[]);
void _mmesa_write_pixels_24_BGR(GLcontext *ctx,GLuint n, GLint x[],GLint y[],GLubyte r[], GLubyte g[],GLubyte b[],GLubyte a[],GLubyte mask[]);
void _mmesa_write_pixels_mono_24_RGB(GLcontext *ctx,GLuint n,GLint x[],GLint y[],GLubyte mask[]);
void _mmesa_write_pixels_mono_24_BGR(GLcontext *ctx,GLuint n,GLint x[],GLint y[],GLubyte mask[]);
void _mmesa_read_span_24_RGB(GLcontext *ctx,GLuint n, GLint x, GLint y,GLubyte red[], GLubyte green[],GLubyte blue[], GLubyte alpha[]);
void _mmesa_read_span_24_BGR(GLcontext *ctx,GLuint n, GLint x, GLint y,GLubyte red[], GLubyte green[],GLubyte blue[], GLubyte alpha[]);
void _mmesa_read_pixels_24_RGB(GLcontext *ctx,GLuint n, GLint x[],GLint y[],GLubyte red[], GLubyte green[],GLubyte blue[],GLubyte alpha[],GLubyte mask[]);
void _mmesa_read_pixels_24_BGR(GLcontext *ctx,GLuint n, GLint x[],GLint y[],GLubyte red[], GLubyte green[],GLubyte blue[],GLubyte alpha[],GLubyte mask[]);

/* 32bpp rendering functions */

void _mmesa_write_span_32_ARGB(GLcontext *ctx,GLuint n, GLint x, GLint y,GLubyte red[], GLubyte green[],GLubyte blue[],GLubyte alpha[],GLubyte mask[]);
void _mmesa_write_span_32_ABGR(GLcontext *ctx,GLuint n, GLint x, GLint y,GLubyte red[], GLubyte green[],GLubyte blue[],GLubyte alpha[],GLubyte mask[]);
void _mmesa_write_span_32_RGBA(GLcontext *ctx,GLuint n, GLint x, GLint y,GLubyte red[], GLubyte green[],GLubyte blue[],GLubyte alpha[],GLubyte mask[]);
void _mmesa_write_span_32_BGRA(GLcontext *ctx,GLuint n, GLint x, GLint y,GLubyte red[], GLubyte green[],GLubyte blue[],GLubyte alpha[],GLubyte mask[]);
void _mmesa_write_span_mono_32(GLcontext *ctx,GLuint n,GLint x,GLint y,GLubyte mask[]);
void _mmesa_write_pixels_32_ARGB(GLcontext *ctx,GLuint n, GLint x[],GLint y[],GLubyte r[], GLubyte g[],GLubyte b[],GLubyte a[],GLubyte mask[]);
void _mmesa_write_pixels_32_ABGR(GLcontext *ctx,GLuint n, GLint x[],GLint y[],GLubyte r[], GLubyte g[],GLubyte b[],GLubyte a[],GLubyte mask[]);
void _mmesa_write_pixels_32_RGBA(GLcontext *ctx,GLuint n, GLint x[],GLint y[],GLubyte r[], GLubyte g[],GLubyte b[],GLubyte a[],GLubyte mask[]);
void _mmesa_write_pixels_32_BGRA(GLcontext *ctx,GLuint n, GLint x[],GLint y[],GLubyte r[], GLubyte g[],GLubyte b[],GLubyte a[],GLubyte mask[]);
void _mmesa_write_pixels_mono_32(GLcontext *ctx,GLuint n,GLint x[],GLint y[],GLubyte mask[]);
void _mmesa_read_span_32_ARGB(GLcontext *ctx,GLuint n, GLint x, GLint y,GLubyte red[], GLubyte green[],GLubyte blue[], GLubyte alpha[]);
void _mmesa_read_span_32_ABGR(GLcontext *ctx,GLuint n, GLint x, GLint y,GLubyte red[], GLubyte green[],GLubyte blue[], GLubyte alpha[]);
void _mmesa_read_span_32_RGBA(GLcontext *ctx,GLuint n, GLint x, GLint y,GLubyte red[], GLubyte green[],GLubyte blue[], GLubyte alpha[]);
void _mmesa_read_span_32_BGRA(GLcontext *ctx,GLuint n, GLint x, GLint y,GLubyte red[], GLubyte green[],GLubyte blue[], GLubyte alpha[]);
void _mmesa_read_pixels_32_ARGB(GLcontext *ctx,GLuint n, GLint x[],GLint y[],GLubyte red[], GLubyte green[],GLubyte blue[],GLubyte alpha[],GLubyte mask[]);
void _mmesa_read_pixels_32_ABGR(GLcontext *ctx,GLuint n, GLint x[],GLint y[],GLubyte red[], GLubyte green[],GLubyte blue[],GLubyte alpha[],GLubyte mask[]);
void _mmesa_read_pixels_32_RGBA(GLcontext *ctx,GLuint n, GLint x[],GLint y[],GLubyte red[], GLubyte green[],GLubyte blue[],GLubyte alpha[],GLubyte mask[]);
void _mmesa_read_pixels_32_BGRA(GLcontext *ctx,GLuint n, GLint x[],GLint y[],GLubyte red[], GLubyte green[],GLubyte blue[],GLubyte alpha[],GLubyte mask[]);

#endif  /* __MMESAP_H */

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.