
This is mglmesa.c in view mode; [Download] [Up]

*                      Mesa bindings for SciTech MGL
*                   Copyright (C) 1996 SciTech Software.
*                           All rights reserved.
* Filename:     $Workfile:   mglmesa.c  $
* Version:      $Revision:   1.5  $
* Language:     ANSI C
* Environment:  Any
* Description:  Main Mesa 3D library interface between the MGL and
*               Mesa. For maximum peformance we call the MGL's internal
*               rendering functions directly so we can bypass all the
*               clipping and regular MGL API stuff as all that is already
*               handled by Mesa before the calls get here.
*               Note also that all rendering is inherently single threaded
*               so we optimize for this case by using a global current
*               context structure.
*               This module contains generic interface routines.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
* Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
* $Date:   23 Jun 1997 18:10:16  $ $Author:   KevinO  $

#include "mmesap.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "gl\mglmesa.h"

/*--------------------------- Global Variables ----------------------------*/

#ifdef  __WINDOWS__
MGLCallbacks    _MGL_callbacks;         /* MGL callback functions       */
gmode_t         _MGL_mi;                /* MGL mode information         */
pixel_format_t  _MGL_pf;                /* MGL mode pixel format        */
vecs            _MGL_vecs;              /* MGL Rendering vectors        */
MGLRC           _MM_rc;                 /* Current rendering context    */
MGLRC           *_MM_rcPtr = NULL;      /* Pointer to current context   */

/*------------------------- Implementation --------------------------------*/

#pragma warn -par

/*****              Miscellaneous device driver funcs             *****/

PRIVATE void begin(GLcontext *ctx,GLenum mode)
* Function:     begin
* Description:  Called when glBegin is called. We use this oportunity to
*               enable direct framebuffer access for our rendering functions.
//  TODO: Call begin directAccess depending on the currently selected mode
//        and also the current rendering attributes (to determine if we need
//        to directly access the buffer. We need this to support VBE/AF.
//        We should optimize this to have this code in here run fast, and
//        put the complicated code into the setup_DD_funcs to avoid the
//        overheads of checking in here.


PRIVATE void end(GLcontext *ctx)
* Function:     end
* Description:  Called when glEnd is called. We use this oportunity to
*               disable direct framebuffer access for our rendering
*               functions.

PRIVATE void finish(GLcontext *ctx)
* Function:     finish
* Description:  Called when glFinish is called. We simply do nothing here.

PRIVATE void flush(GLcontext *ctx)
* Function:     flush
* Description:  Called when glFlush is called. We simply do nothing here

PRIVATE void clear_index(GLcontext *ctx, GLuint index)
* Function:     clear_index
* Parameters:   index   - New color index for buffer clears
* Description:  Sets the current buffer clear color for color index buffers.
    RC.clearColor = index;

PRIVATE void clear_color(GLcontext *ctx, GLubyte r, GLubyte g, GLubyte b, GLubyte a)
* Function:     clear_color
* Parameters:   r,g,b,a - New RGBA color values for buffer clears
* Description:  Set the current buffer clear color for TrueColor buffers.
*               Note that Mesa passes us color values pre-scaled to the
*               proper number of color bits:
*                   [0,ctx->Visual->RedScale]
*                   [0,ctx->Visual->GreenScale]
*                   [0,ctx->Visual->BlueScale]
*                   [0,ctx->Visual->AlphaScale]
    RC.clearColor = PACK_COLOR(r,g,b);

PRIVATE void clear(GLcontext *ctx,GLboolean all, GLint x, GLint y, GLint width, GLint height)
* Function:     clear
* Parameters:   all                 - True to clear entire buffer
*               x,y,width,height    - Rectangle to clear
* Description:  Clears the buffer in the current clear color
    if (all)

PRIVATE void set_index(GLcontext *ctx, GLuint index)
* Function:     clear_index
* Parameters:   index   - New color index
* Description:  Sets the current solid color for color index buffers.
    RC.color = index;

PRIVATE void set_color(GLcontext *ctx, GLubyte r, GLubyte g, GLubyte b, GLubyte a)
* Function:     set_color
* Parameters:   r,g,b,a - New RGBA color value
* Description:  Set the current solid color for TrueColor buffers.
*               Note that Mesa passes us color values pre-scaled to the
*               proper number of color bits:
*                   [0,ctx->Visual->RedScale]
*                   [0,ctx->Visual->GreenScale]
*                   [0,ctx->Visual->BlueScale]
*                   [0,ctx->Visual->AlphaScale]
    RC.color = PACK_COLOR(r,g,b);
    RC.red = r;
    RC.green = g;
    RC.blue = b;

PRIVATE GLboolean index_mask(GLcontext *ctx, GLuint mask)
* Function:     index_mask
* Parameters:   mask    - Color index mask
* Returns:      True if we implement masking, false if not
* Description:  Implements color index masking ala glIndexMask if possible.
*               We currently return false for this function.
    return GL_FALSE;

PRIVATE GLboolean color_mask(GLcontext *ctx,
    GLboolean rmask, GLboolean gmask,GLboolean bmask, GLboolean amask)
* Function:     color_mask
* Parameters:   rmask   - Red mask
*               gmask   - Green mask
*               bmask   - Blue mask
*               amask   - Alpha mask
* Returns:      True if we implement masking, false if not
* Description:  Implements RGB color masking ala glColorMask if possible.
*               We currently return false for this function.
    return GL_FALSE;

PRIVATE GLboolean logicop(GLcontext *ctx, GLenum op)
* Function:     logicop
* Parameters:   op  - New logic op to enable
* Returns:      True if we implement masking, false if not
* Description:  Implements logic operations ala glLogicOp if possible. For
*               op's that we dont support we simply return GL_FALSE and it
*               is implemented in software by Mesa.
#if 0
    int mode;

    switch (op) {
        case GL_COPY:   mode = MGL_REPLACE_MODE;    break;
        case GL_AND:    mode = MGL_AND_MODE;        break;
        case GL_OR:     mode = MGL_OR_MODE;         break;
        case GL_XOR:    mode = MGL_XOR_MODE;        break;
        default:        return GL_FALSE;
    return GL_TRUE;
    return GL_FALSE;

PRIVATE void dither(GLcontext *ctx, GLboolean enable)
* Function:     dither
* Parameters:   enable  - True to enable dithering, false to disable it 
* Description:  Enables dithering mode if applicable. For the moment if
*               dithering is enabled we will simply fall back on Mesa's
*               software rendering until we have support for this.
    if (enable) 
        RC.pixelformat = RC.dithered_pf;
        RC.pixelformat = RC.undithered_pf;

PRIVATE GLboolean set_buffer(GLcontext *ctx, GLenum mode)
* Function:     set_buffer
* Parameters:   mode    - Buffer mode to enable 
* Description:  Sets the buffer access mode to the front buffer or the
*               back buffer for the application. The MGL always allows
*               direct access to both buffers in double buffered fullscreen
*               modes, but when rendering to a memory device context (ie:
*               when rendering in a window in the windows environment) we
*               only have a single buffer available.
    if (!RC.gl_vis->DBflag) {
        return (mode = GL_FRONT);
    if (RC.dc->mi.maxPage > 0) {
        /* Hardware page flipping */
        if (mode == GL_FRONT)
        else if (mode == GL_BACK)
            return GL_FALSE;
    if (RC.memdc) {
        /* Software double buffering using a memory DC. In some cases
         * we may not be able to access the display memory surface for the
         * front buffer in which case this will fail.
        if (mode == GL_FRONT && (MGL_surfaceAccessType(RC.dc) != MGL_NO_ACCESS)) 
        else if (mode == GL_BACK)
            return GL_FALSE;
    else {
        /* Hardware page flipping only */
    RC.bufferMode = mode;
    return GL_TRUE;

PRIVATE void get_buffer_size(GLcontext *ctx, GLuint *width, GLuint *height)
* Function:     get_buffer_size
* Parameters:   width   - Place to store buffer width
*               height  - Place to store buffer height 
* Description:  Returns the current buffer width and height. We simply
*               return the currently active device context's width and
*               height, which will change if the buffer is resized in a
*               windowed environment.
    if (MI.xRes != RC.dispdc->mi.xRes || MI.yRes != RC.dispdc->mi.yRes) {
        MI.xRes = RC.dispdc->mi.xRes;
        MI.yRes = RC.dispdc->mi.yRes;

        /* Resize our system memory back buffer if we have one */
        if (RC.memdc) {
            RC.memdc = MGL_createMemoryDC(MI.xRes+1,MI.yRes+1,MI.bitsPerPixel,&PF);
            if (!RC.memdc)
            RC.dc = RC.memdc;
            if (RC.dispdc->mi.bitsPerPixel == 8) {
                palette_t pal[256];
            MI = RC.dc->mi;
    *width = MI.xRes+1;
    *height = MI.yRes+1;
    RC.bottom = MI.yRes;

/***                    Point rendering                             ***/

PUBLIC points_func mmesa_get_points_func(GLcontext *ctx)
* Function:     mmesa_get_points_func
* Parameters:   ctx - Context to examine
* Description:  Analyze context state to see if we can provide a fast points
*               drawing function, like those in points.c.  Otherwise, return
*               NULL.
#if 0
    if (ctx->Point.Size == 1.0F && !ctx->Point.SmoothFlag && ctx->RasterMask == 0
            && !ctx->Texture.Enabled) {
        return draw_points;
    return NULL;

/***                      Line rendering                            ***/

PUBLIC line_func mmesa_get_line_func(GLcontext *ctx)
* Function:     mmesa_get_line_func
* Parameters:   ctx - Context to examine
* Description:  Analyze context state to see if we can provide a fast line
*               drawing function, like those in lines.c.  Otherwise, return
*               NULL.   
#if 0
   XMesaContext xmesa = (XMesaContext) ctx->DriverCtx;
   int depth = xmesa->xm_visual->visinfo->depth;

   if (ctx->Line.SmoothFlag)              return NULL;
   if (ctx->Texture.Enabled)              return NULL;
   if (ctx->Light.ShadeModel!=GL_FLAT)    return NULL;

   if (xmesa->xm_buffer->buffer==XIMAGE
       && ctx->RasterMask==DEPTH_BIT
       && ctx->Depth.Func==GL_LESS
       && ctx->Depth.Mask==GL_TRUE
       && ctx->Line.Width==1.0F
       && ctx->Line.StippleFlag==GL_FALSE) {
      switch (xmesa->pixelformat) {
         case PF_TRUECOLOR:
            return flat_TRUECOLOR_z_line;
         case PF_8A8B8G8R:
            return flat_8A8B8G8R_z_line;
         case PF_8R8G8B:
            return flat_8R8G8B_z_line;
         case PF_5R6G5B:
            return flat_5R6G5B_z_line;
         case PF_DITHER:
            return (depth==8) ? flat_DITHER8_z_line : NULL;
         case PF_LOOKUP:
            return (depth==8) ? flat_LOOKUP8_z_line : NULL;
         case PF_HPCR:
            return flat_HPCR_z_line;
            return NULL;
   if (xmesa->xm_buffer->buffer==XIMAGE
       && ctx->RasterMask==0
       && ctx->Line.Width==1.0F
       && ctx->Line.StippleFlag==GL_FALSE) {
      switch (xmesa->pixelformat) {
         case PF_TRUECOLOR:
            return flat_TRUECOLOR_line;
         case PF_8A8B8G8R:
            return flat_8A8B8G8R_line;
         case PF_8R8G8B:
            return flat_8R8G8B_line;
         case PF_5R6G5B:
            return flat_5R6G5B_line;
         case PF_DITHER:
            return (depth==8) ? flat_DITHER8_line : NULL;
         case PF_LOOKUP:
            return (depth==8) ? flat_LOOKUP8_line : NULL;
         case PF_HPCR:
            return flat_HPCR_line;
        return NULL;
   if (xmesa->xm_buffer->buffer!=XIMAGE && ctx->RasterMask==0) {
      setup_x_line_options( ctx );
      return flat_pixmap_line;
    return NULL;

/***                   Triangle rendering                            ***/

triangle_func mmesa_get_triangle_func(GLcontext *ctx)
#if 0
   XMesaContext xmesa = (XMesaContext) ctx->DriverCtx;
   int depth = xmesa->xm_visual->visinfo->depth;

   if (ctx->Polygon.SmoothFlag)     return NULL;
   if (ctx->Texture.Enabled)        return NULL;

   if (xmesa->xm_buffer->buffer==XIMAGE) {
      if (   ctx->Light.ShadeModel==GL_SMOOTH
          && ctx->RasterMask==DEPTH_BIT
          && ctx->Depth.Func==GL_LESS
          && ctx->Depth.Mask==GL_TRUE
          && ctx->Polygon.StippleFlag==GL_FALSE) {
         switch (xmesa->pixelformat) {
            case PF_TRUECOLOR:
           return smooth_TRUECOLOR_z_triangle;
            case PF_8A8B8G8R:
               return smooth_8A8B8G8R_z_triangle;
            case PF_8R8G8B:
               return smooth_8R8G8B_z_triangle;
            case PF_5R6G5B:
               return smooth_5R6G5B_z_triangle;
            case PF_HPCR:
           return smooth_HPCR_z_triangle;
            case PF_DITHER:
               return (depth==8) ? smooth_DITHER8_z_triangle
                                        : smooth_DITHER_z_triangle;
            case PF_LOOKUP:
               return (depth==8) ? smooth_LOOKUP8_z_triangle : NULL;
               return NULL;
      if (   ctx->Light.ShadeModel==GL_FLAT
          && ctx->RasterMask==DEPTH_BIT
          && ctx->Depth.Func==GL_LESS
          && ctx->Depth.Mask==GL_TRUE
          && ctx->Polygon.StippleFlag==GL_FALSE) {
         switch (xmesa->pixelformat) {
            case PF_TRUECOLOR:
           return flat_TRUECOLOR_z_triangle;
            case PF_8A8B8G8R:
               return flat_8A8B8G8R_z_triangle;
            case PF_8R8G8B:
               return flat_8R8G8B_z_triangle;
            case PF_5R6G5B:
               return flat_5R6G5B_z_triangle;
            case PF_HPCR:
           return flat_HPCR_z_triangle;
            case PF_DITHER:
               return (depth==8) ? flat_DITHER8_z_triangle
                                        : flat_DITHER_z_triangle;
            case PF_LOOKUP:
               return (depth==8) ? flat_LOOKUP8_z_triangle : NULL;
               return NULL;
      if (   ctx->RasterMask==0   /* no depth test */
          && ctx->Light.ShadeModel==GL_SMOOTH
          && ctx->Polygon.StippleFlag==GL_FALSE) {
         switch (xmesa->pixelformat) {
            case PF_TRUECOLOR:
           return smooth_TRUECOLOR_triangle;
            case PF_8A8B8G8R:
               return smooth_8A8B8G8R_triangle;
            case PF_8R8G8B:
               return smooth_8R8G8B_triangle;
            case PF_5R6G5B:
               return smooth_5R6G5B_triangle;
            case PF_HPCR:
           return smooth_HPCR_triangle;
            case PF_DITHER:
               return (depth==8) ? smooth_DITHER8_triangle
                                        : smooth_DITHER_triangle;
            case PF_LOOKUP:
               return (depth==8) ? smooth_LOOKUP8_triangle : NULL;
               return NULL;

      if (   ctx->RasterMask==0   /* no depth test */
          && ctx->Light.ShadeModel==GL_FLAT
          && ctx->Polygon.StippleFlag==GL_FALSE) {
         switch (xmesa->pixelformat) {
            case PF_TRUECOLOR:
           return flat_TRUECOLOR_triangle;
            case PF_8A8B8G8R:
               return flat_8A8B8G8R_triangle;
            case PF_8R8G8B:
               return flat_8R8G8B_triangle;
            case PF_5R6G5B:
               return flat_5R6G5B_triangle;
            case PF_HPCR:
           return flat_HPCR_triangle;
            case PF_DITHER:
               return (depth==8) ? flat_DITHER8_triangle
                                        : flat_DITHER_triangle;
            case PF_LOOKUP:
               return (depth==8) ? flat_LOOKUP8_triangle : NULL;
               return NULL;

      return NULL;
   else {
      /* pixmap */
      if (ctx->Light.ShadeModel==GL_FLAT && ctx->RasterMask==0) {
         setup_x_polygon_options( ctx );
         return flat_pixmap_triangle;
      return NULL;
    return NULL;

/*****                 Miscellaneous functions                    *****/

PRIVATE void setup_DD_pointers(GLcontext *ctx)
* Function:     setup_DD_pointer
* Parameters:   ctx - Device context to setup pointers for
* Description:  Sets up all the device driver rendering pointers for the
*               current rendering state. This function is where we swap in
*               high performance rendering functions when the rendering
*               state allows this.
    bool    doDither = false;

    /* Always the same */
    ctx->Driver.UpdateState = setup_DD_pointers;
    ctx->Driver.GetBufferSize = get_buffer_size;
    ctx->Driver.Begin = begin;
    ctx->Driver.End = end;
    ctx->Driver.Flush = flush;
    ctx->Driver.Finish = finish;
    ctx->Driver.SetBuffer = set_buffer;
    ctx->Driver.Index = set_index;
    ctx->Driver.Color = set_color;
    ctx->Driver.ClearIndex = clear_index;
    ctx->Driver.ClearColor = clear_color;
    ctx->Driver.Clear = clear;
    ctx->Driver.IndexMask = index_mask;
    ctx->Driver.ColorMask = color_mask;
    ctx->Driver.LogicOp = logicop;
    ctx->Driver.Dither = dither;

    /* Accelerated point, line and triangle functions */
    ctx->Driver.PointsFunc = mmesa_get_points_func(ctx);
    ctx->Driver.LineFunc = mmesa_get_line_func(ctx);
    ctx->Driver.TriangleFunc = mmesa_get_triangle_func(ctx);

    /* Accelerated bitmap drawing functions */
#if 0
    ctx->Driver.DrawPixels = draw_pixels;
    ctx->Driver.Bitmap = draw_bitmap;

    /* Optimized pixel span reading/writing functions. Note that we use
     * a (void*) cast as we have removed the 'const'ness of the parameters
     * passed to these functions so we can use the pointers to step through
     * our arrays efficiently.
    switch (RC.pixelformat) {
        case PF_INDEX:
            ctx->Driver.WriteIndexSpan       = (void*)_mmesa_write_span_ci;
            ctx->Driver.WriteMonoindexSpan   = (void*)_mmesa_write_span_mono_ci;
            ctx->Driver.WriteIndexPixels     = (void*)_mmesa_write_pixels_ci;
            ctx->Driver.WriteMonoindexPixels = (void*)_mmesa_write_pixels_mono_ci;
            ctx->Driver.ReadIndexSpan        = (void*)_mmesa_read_span_ci;
            ctx->Driver.ReadIndexPixels      = (void*)_mmesa_read_pixels_ci;
        case PF_RGB8:
            ctx->Driver.WriteColorSpan       = (void*)_mmesa_write_span_8_8;
            ctx->Driver.WriteMonocolorSpan   = (void*)_mmesa_write_span_mono_8;
            ctx->Driver.WriteColorPixels     = (void*)_mmesa_write_pixels_8_8;
            ctx->Driver.WriteMonocolorPixels = (void*)_mmesa_write_pixels_mono_8;
            ctx->Driver.ReadColorSpan        = (void*)_mmesa_read_span_8;
            ctx->Driver.ReadColorPixels      = (void*)_mmesa_read_pixels_8;
            doDither = true;
        case PF_DITHER8:
            ctx->Driver.WriteColorSpan       = (void*)_mmesa_write_span_8_DITHER8;
            ctx->Driver.WriteMonocolorSpan   = (void*)_mmesa_write_span_mono_8_DITHER8;
            ctx->Driver.WriteColorPixels     = (void*)_mmesa_write_pixels_8_DITHER8;
            ctx->Driver.WriteMonocolorPixels = (void*)_mmesa_write_pixels_mono_8_DITHER8;
            ctx->Driver.ReadColorSpan        = (void*)_mmesa_read_span_8;
            ctx->Driver.ReadColorPixels      = (void*)_mmesa_read_pixels_8;
            doDither = true;
        case PF_RGB555:
            ctx->Driver.WriteColorSpan       = (void*)_mmesa_write_span_16_555;
            ctx->Driver.WriteMonocolorSpan   = (void*)_mmesa_write_span_mono_16;
            ctx->Driver.WriteColorPixels     = (void*)_mmesa_write_pixels_16_555;
            ctx->Driver.WriteMonocolorPixels = (void*)_mmesa_write_pixels_mono_16;
            ctx->Driver.ReadColorSpan        = (void*)_mmesa_read_span_16_555;
            ctx->Driver.ReadColorPixels      = (void*)_mmesa_read_pixels_16_555;
        case PF_DITHER555:
            ctx->Driver.WriteColorSpan       = (void*)_mmesa_write_span_16_DITHER555;
            ctx->Driver.WriteMonocolorSpan   = (void*)_mmesa_write_span_mono_16_DITHER555;
            ctx->Driver.WriteColorPixels     = (void*)_mmesa_write_pixels_16_DITHER555;
            ctx->Driver.WriteMonocolorPixels = (void*)_mmesa_write_pixels_mono_16_DITHER555;
            ctx->Driver.ReadColorSpan        = (void*)_mmesa_read_span_16_555;
            ctx->Driver.ReadColorPixels      = (void*)_mmesa_read_pixels_16_555;
            doDither = true;
        case PF_RGB565:
            ctx->Driver.WriteColorSpan       = (void*)_mmesa_write_span_16_565;
            ctx->Driver.WriteMonocolorSpan   = (void*)_mmesa_write_span_mono_16;
            ctx->Driver.WriteColorPixels     = (void*)_mmesa_write_pixels_16_565;
            ctx->Driver.WriteMonocolorPixels = (void*)_mmesa_write_pixels_mono_16;
            ctx->Driver.ReadColorSpan        = (void*)_mmesa_read_span_16_565;
            ctx->Driver.ReadColorPixels      = (void*)_mmesa_read_pixels_16_565;
        case PF_DITHER565:
            ctx->Driver.WriteColorSpan       = (void*)_mmesa_write_span_16_DITHER565;
            ctx->Driver.WriteMonocolorSpan   = (void*)_mmesa_write_span_mono_16_DITHER565;
            ctx->Driver.WriteColorPixels     = (void*)_mmesa_write_pixels_16_DITHER565;
            ctx->Driver.WriteMonocolorPixels = (void*)_mmesa_write_pixels_mono_16_DITHER565;
            ctx->Driver.ReadColorSpan        = (void*)_mmesa_read_span_16_565;
            ctx->Driver.ReadColorPixels      = (void*)_mmesa_read_pixels_16_565;
            doDither = true;
        case PF_RGB888:
            ctx->Driver.WriteColorSpan       = (void*)_mmesa_write_span_24_RGB;
            ctx->Driver.WriteMonocolorSpan   = (void*)_mmesa_write_span_mono_24_RGB;
            ctx->Driver.WriteColorPixels     = (void*)_mmesa_write_pixels_24_RGB;
            ctx->Driver.WriteMonocolorPixels = (void*)_mmesa_write_pixels_mono_24_RGB;
            ctx->Driver.ReadColorSpan        = (void*)_mmesa_read_span_24_RGB;
            ctx->Driver.ReadColorPixels      = (void*)_mmesa_read_pixels_24_RGB;
        case PF_BGR888:
            ctx->Driver.WriteColorSpan       = (void*)_mmesa_write_span_24_BGR;
            ctx->Driver.WriteMonocolorSpan   = (void*)_mmesa_write_span_mono_24_BGR;
            ctx->Driver.WriteColorPixels     = (void*)_mmesa_write_pixels_24_BGR;
            ctx->Driver.WriteMonocolorPixels = (void*)_mmesa_write_pixels_mono_24_BGR;
            ctx->Driver.ReadColorSpan        = (void*)_mmesa_read_span_24_BGR;
            ctx->Driver.ReadColorPixels      = (void*)_mmesa_read_pixels_24_BGR;
        case PF_ARGB8888:
            ctx->Driver.WriteColorSpan       = (void*)_mmesa_write_span_32_ARGB;
            ctx->Driver.WriteMonocolorSpan   = (void*)_mmesa_write_span_mono_32;
            ctx->Driver.WriteColorPixels     = (void*)_mmesa_write_pixels_32_ARGB;
            ctx->Driver.WriteMonocolorPixels = (void*)_mmesa_write_pixels_mono_32;
            ctx->Driver.ReadColorSpan        = (void*)_mmesa_read_span_32_ARGB;
            ctx->Driver.ReadColorPixels      = (void*)_mmesa_read_pixels_32_ARGB;
        case PF_ABGR8888:
            ctx->Driver.WriteColorSpan       = (void*)_mmesa_write_span_32_ABGR;
            ctx->Driver.WriteMonocolorSpan   = (void*)_mmesa_write_span_mono_32;
            ctx->Driver.WriteColorPixels     = (void*)_mmesa_write_pixels_32_ABGR;
            ctx->Driver.WriteMonocolorPixels = (void*)_mmesa_write_pixels_mono_32;
            ctx->Driver.ReadColorSpan        = (void*)_mmesa_read_span_32_ABGR;
            ctx->Driver.ReadColorPixels      = (void*)_mmesa_read_pixels_32_ABGR;
        case PF_RGBA8888:
            ctx->Driver.WriteColorSpan       = (void*)_mmesa_write_span_32_RGBA;
            ctx->Driver.WriteMonocolorSpan   = (void*)_mmesa_write_span_mono_32;
            ctx->Driver.WriteColorPixels     = (void*)_mmesa_write_pixels_32_RGBA;
            ctx->Driver.WriteMonocolorPixels = (void*)_mmesa_write_pixels_mono_32;
            ctx->Driver.ReadColorSpan        = (void*)_mmesa_read_span_32_RGBA;
            ctx->Driver.ReadColorPixels      = (void*)_mmesa_read_pixels_32_RGBA;
        case PF_BGRA8888:
            ctx->Driver.WriteColorSpan       = (void*)_mmesa_write_span_32_BGRA;
            ctx->Driver.WriteMonocolorSpan   = (void*)_mmesa_write_span_mono_32;
            ctx->Driver.WriteColorPixels     = (void*)_mmesa_write_pixels_32_BGRA;
            ctx->Driver.WriteMonocolorPixels = (void*)_mmesa_write_pixels_mono_32;
            ctx->Driver.ReadColorSpan        = (void*)_mmesa_read_span_32_BGRA;
            ctx->Driver.ReadColorPixels      = (void*)_mmesa_read_pixels_32_BGRA;

    /* Set the pixel format scale factos for dithering/non-dithering */
    if (doDither) {
        ctx->Visual->RedScale   = 255.0;
        ctx->Visual->GreenScale = 255.0;
        ctx->Visual->BlueScale  = 255.0;
    else {
        ctx->Visual->RedScale   = (GLfloat)PF.redMask;
        ctx->Visual->GreenScale = (GLfloat)PF.greenMask;
        ctx->Visual->BlueScale  = (GLfloat)PF.blueMask;

/*****               MGLMesa API Functions                        *****/

#ifdef  __WINDOWS__
bool APIENTRY MGLMesaInitDLL(MGLCallbacks *cb,char *version)
* Function:     MGLMesaInitDLL
* Parameters:   cb      - MGL callbacks structure
*               version - MGL version this DLL was built for 
* Description:  This function is called by the MGL when the MESAGL.DLL
*               library is loaded under Windows. This registers a set of
*               callback functions that Mesa uses to call MGL API functions
*               so that we dont have to staticly link the MGL and Mesa into
*               the same DLL or application.
*               We also pass back a copy of Mesa's internal global MGL
*               device context which Mesa uses to directly access the MGL
*               internal functions and structures. The MGL uses this pointer
*               to maintain Mesa's internal structures  
*               Note that because we use the MGL's internal structures we
*               also do a check to ensure that the MGL library calling us
*               is the same version that we were built with.  
    /* Check for the correct MGL version */
    if (strcmp(version,MGL_VERSION_STR) != 0)
        return false;
    _MGL_callbacks = *cb;
    return true;

void APIENTRY MGLMesaChooseVisual(MGLDC *dc,MGLVisual *visual)
* Function:     MGLMesaChooseVisual
* Parameters:   dc      - MGL device context
*               visual  - Structure containing visual context information
* Description:  This function examines the visual passed to use to
*               deteremine if we support the requested capabilities. If we
*               don't we will modify the structure for the capabilities that
*               we do support (ie: lowering the depth buffer size to 16
*               bits etc).
    /* Force the depth buffer, stencil buffer and accum buffers to our sizes */
    if (visual->depth_size)
        visual->depth_size = 8 * sizeof(GLdepth);
    if (visual->stencil_size)
        visual->stencil_size = 8 * sizeof(GLstencil);
    if (visual->accum_size)
        visual->accum_size = 8 * sizeof(GLaccum);

    /* Force RGB mode for DirectColor and TrueColor modes */
    if (dc->mi.bitsPerPixel > 8)
        visual->rgb_flag = GL_TRUE;
    if (MGL_isMemoryDC(dc))
        visual->db_flag = GL_FALSE;
    if (MGL_isWindowedDC(dc) || MGL_surfaceAccessType(dc) == MGL_NO_ACCESS)
        visual->db_flag = GL_TRUE;

PRIVATE int countBits(uint mask)
* Function:     countBits
* Parameters:   mask    - 
* Returns:      number of set bits.
* Description:  Counts the number of set bits in a mask and determines the 
*               shift amount.
    int i=0;

    if (mask) {
        /* count set bits */
        while ( mask & (1 << i)) {  

    return i;

bool APIENTRY MGLMesaSetVisual(MGLDC *dc,MGLVisual *vis)
* Function:     MGLMesaSetVisual
* Parameters:   dc      - MGL device context
*               visual  - Structure containing visual context information
* Returns:      True on success, false if visual creation failed
* Description:  This function attempts to create a Mesa visual for the
*               device context. If this succeeds then Mesa can properly
*               handle the requested visual.
    GLfloat red_scale, green_scale, blue_scale, alpha_scale;
    GLint red_bits, green_bits, blue_bits, alpha_bits;

    /* Do quick check on incoming visual */
    if (dc->mi.bitsPerPixel > 8 && !vis->rgb_flag)
        return false;
    if (dc->mi.bitsPerPixel < 8)
        return false; 
    if ((dc->mi.xRes+1 > MAX_WIDTH) || (dc->mi.yRes+1 > MAX_HEIGHT))
        return false;
    if (MGL_isMemoryDC(dc) && vis->db_flag)
        return false;
    if ((MGL_isWindowedDC(dc) || MGL_surfaceAccessType(dc) == MGL_NO_ACCESS) && !vis->db_flag)
        return false;

    /* Create color channel scale factors from pixel format info */
    red_scale   = (GLfloat)dc->pf.redMask;
    green_scale = (GLfloat)dc->pf.greenMask;
    blue_scale  = (GLfloat)dc->pf.blueMask;
    alpha_scale = 255.0;

    red_bits    = countBits(dc->pf.redMask);    
    green_bits  = countBits(dc->pf.greenMask);  
    blue_bits   = countBits(dc->pf.blueMask);   
    alpha_bits  = countBits(dc->pf.rsvdMask);

    dc->visual = gl_create_visual( vis->rgb_flag, 

    return (dc->visual != NULL);

bool APIENTRY MGLMesaCreateContext(MGLDC *dc,bool forceMemDC)
* Function:     MGLMesaCreateContext
* Parameters:   dc          - MGLDC to create rendering context for
*               forceMemDC  - True to force rendering to memory back buffer
* Returns:      True on success, false on failure.
* Description:  Attempts to create a Mesa rendering context for the
*               device context. The application programmer must first
*               call MGLMesaSetVisual on the MGLDC to set the visual format
*               before calling this function.
*               If we dont have hardware page flipping or the user has
*               forced memory buffering with the forceMemDC function then
*               we will allocate a system memory back buffer for double
*               buffering. Note that if we have hardware page flipping
*               and system buffering has been forced, we will still flip
*               between hardware pages to eliminate all tearing. This
*               option is intended mainly as a performance option for
*               systems where system memory rendering is faster. 
    palette_t   pal[256];

    /* Ensure that the visual has been created first */
    if (!dc->visual)
        return false;

    /* Allocate memory for the rendering context structure and create it */
    if ((dc->rc = (void*)calloc(1,sizeof(MGLRC))) == NULL)
        goto Error;
    dc->rc->dispdc = dc;
    dc->rc->gl_ctx = gl_create_context(dc->visual,NULL,(void*)dc->rc);
    if (!dc->rc)
        goto Error;

    /* Allocate the ancillary buffers */
    if ((dc->rc->gl_buffer = gl_create_framebuffer(dc->visual)) == NULL)
        goto Error;

    /* Allocate back memory DC buffer if necessary */
    if ((dc->visual->DBflag && dc->mi.maxPage == 0) || forceMemDC || (MGL_surfaceAccessType(dc) == MGL_NO_ACCESS)) {
        dc->rc->memdc = MGL_createMemoryDC(dc->mi.xRes+1,dc->mi.yRes+1,dc->mi.bitsPerPixel,&dc->pf);
        if (!dc->rc->memdc)
            goto Error;
        dc->rc->dc = dc->rc->memdc;
        dc->rc->dc = dc->rc->dispdc;

    /* Initialize double buffering */
    if (dc->visual->DBflag && dc->mi.maxPage > 0) {
        MGL_setVisualPage(dc,dc->rc->frontbuffer = 0,false);
        MGL_setActivePage(dc,dc->rc->backbuffer = 1);

    /* Initialize the private rendering context information */
    if (!dc->visual->RGBAflag) {
        dc->rc->dithered_pf = dc->rc->undithered_pf = PF_INDEX;
    else {
        if (dc->mi.bitsPerPixel > 8) {
            /* DirectColor or TrueColor display */
            if (dc->mi.bitsPerPixel == 15) {
                dc->rc->undithered_pf = PF_RGB555;
                dc->rc->dithered_pf = PF_DITHER555;
            else if (dc->mi.bitsPerPixel == 16) {
                dc->rc->undithered_pf = PF_RGB565;
                dc->rc->dithered_pf = PF_DITHER565;
            else if (dc->mi.bitsPerPixel == 24) {
                if (dc->pf.redPos == 0)
                    dc->rc->undithered_pf = dc->rc->dithered_pf = PF_BGR888;
                    dc->rc->undithered_pf = dc->rc->dithered_pf = PF_RGB888;
            else {
                if (dc->pf.redPos == 0)
                    dc->rc->undithered_pf = dc->rc->dithered_pf = PF_ABGR8888;
                else if (dc->pf.redPos == 8)
                    dc->rc->undithered_pf = dc->rc->dithered_pf = PF_BGRA8888;
                else if (dc->pf.redPos == 16)
                    dc->rc->undithered_pf = dc->rc->dithered_pf = PF_ARGB8888;
                    dc->rc->undithered_pf = dc->rc->dithered_pf = PF_RGBA8888;
        else {
            /* 8bpp RGB display */
            dc->rc->undithered_pf = PF_RGB8;
            dc->rc->dithered_pf = PF_DITHER8;
    dc->rc->gl_vis = dc->visual;
    dc->rc->bottom = dc->mi.yRes+1;
    dc->rc->pixelformat = dc->rc->dithered_pf;
    dc->rc->bufferMode = dc->visual->DBflag ? GL_BACK : GL_FRONT;

    /* Setup the default palette for the device context */
    if (dc->mi.bitsPerPixel == 8) {
    return true;

    return false;

void APIENTRY MGLMesaDestroyContext(MGLDC *dc)
* Function:     MGLMesaDestroyContext
* Parameters:   dc  - MGLDC to destroy rendering context for
* Description:  Destroys the rendering context and returns the MGLDC back
*               to it's original state before 3D rendering was enabled.
    if (dc->rc) {
        if (dc->rc->memdc)
    dc->rc = NULL;
    dc->visual = NULL;

void APIENTRY MGLMesaMakeCurrent(MGLDC *dc)
* Function:     MGLMesaMakeCurrent
* Parameters:   dc  - MGLDC to make current
* Description:  Makes the passed in MGLDC the current rendering context
*               for OpenGL functions. Note that we cache a global copy
*               of this rendering context for speed (we are single threaded)
*               so we flush this back when the context is made a different
*               one.    
    if (dc && dc->rc == _MM_rcPtr)
    if (_MM_rcPtr) {
        *_MM_rcPtr = RC;                /* 'Write back' the old RC      */
        _MM_rcPtr = NULL;               /* This RC is no longer cached  */
        gl_make_current(NULL, NULL);
    if (dc) {
        gl_make_current(dc->rc->gl_ctx, dc->rc->gl_buffer);
        _MM_rcPtr = dc->rc;             /* Cache DC in global structure */
        RC = *dc->rc;                   /* Save pointer to original DC  */
        MI = RC.dc->mi;                 /* Save cached MGL internals    */
        PF = RC.dc->pf;
        VECS = RC.dc->r;
        if (RC.gl_ctx->Viewport.Width == 0) {
            /* initialize viewport to window size */
            gl_Viewport(RC.gl_ctx, 0, 0, MI.xRes+1, MI.yRes+1);
            RC.gl_ctx->Scissor.Width = MI.xRes+1;
            RC.gl_ctx->Scissor.Height = MI.yRes+1;

void APIENTRY MGLMesaSwapBuffers(MGLDC *dc,bool waitVRT)
* Function:     MGLMesaSwapBuffers
* Parameters:   dc      - MGLDC to swap buffers for
*               waitVRT - True to wait for vertical retrace
* Description:  Swaps the display buffers for the MGL device context. If
*               we have a memory DC this is blitted to the display, and
*               if we have harware page flipping we flip hardware display
*               pages.  
    if (!RC.gl_vis->DBflag)
    if (RC.memdc) {
        /* We have a memory buffer so blit it to the screen */
    if (RC.dc->mi.maxPage > 0) {
        /* Hardware page flipping */
        RC.frontbuffer ^= 1;
        RC.backbuffer = RC.frontbuffer ^ 1;
        if (RC.bufferMode == GL_FRONT)

void APIENTRY MGLMesaSetPaletteEntry(MGLDC *dc,int entry,uchar red,uchar green,uchar blue)
* Function:     MGLMesaSetPaletteEntry
* Parameters:   dc      - MGLDC to destroy rendering context for
*               entry   - Index of entry to set
*               red,... - Color values for palette entry
* Description:  Sets a single color palette entry in the device context.
    if (dc->rc && dc->rc->memdc)

void APIENTRY MGLMesaSetPalette(MGLDC *dc,palette_t *pal,int numColors,int startIndex)
* Function:     MGLMesaDestroyContext
* Parameters:   dc  - MGLDC to destroy rendering context for
* Description:  Destroys the rendering context and returns the MGLDC back
*               to it's original state before 3D rendering was enabled.
    if (dc->rc && dc->rc->memdc)

void APIENTRY MGLMesaRealizePalette(MGLDC *dc,int numColors,int startIndex,int waitVRT)
* Function:     MGLMesaDestroyContext
* Parameters:   dc  - MGLDC to destroy rendering context for
* Description:  Destroys the rendering context and returns the MGLDC back
*               to it's original state before 3D rendering was enabled.
    if (dc->rc && dc->rc->memdc)

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.