
This is IKCellPS.c in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/* ./sym/IKCellPS.c generated from IKCellPS.psw
   by unix pswrap V1.009  Wed Apr 19 17:50:24 PDT 1989

#include <AppKit/dpsfriends.h>
#include <string.h>

#line 1 "IKCellPS.psw"

File IKCellPS.psw

Release 1.2, 7 June 1994
Copyright (C) 1994 by H. Scott Roy

This code is part of IconKit, a general toolbox for drag-and-drop applications.  IconKit is free for noncommercial use, but costs money for a commercial license.  You should have received a copy of the license agreement with this file.  If not, a copy of the license and the complete source of IconKit can be obtained from the author:

		H. Scott Roy
		2573 Stowe Ct.
		Northbrook, IL  60062-8103

For your editing convenience, this file is best viewed using an editor that automatically wraps long lines, in a fixed point font at 80 columns, with tabs every 4 spaces.


/* ========================================================================== */


This file contains the postscript code to render the background of a highlighted IKCell.

#line 37 "./sym/IKCellPS.c"
void PSiconBackdrop(float x, float y, float width, float height)
  typedef struct {
    unsigned char tokenType;
    unsigned char topLevelCount;
    unsigned short nBytes;

    DPSBinObjGeneric obj0;
    DPSBinObjGeneric obj1;
    DPSBinObjReal obj2;
    DPSBinObjReal obj3;
    DPSBinObjGeneric obj4;
    DPSBinObjGeneric obj5;
    DPSBinObjGeneric obj6;
    DPSBinObjGeneric obj7;
    DPSBinObjReal obj8;
    DPSBinObjReal obj9;
    DPSBinObjGeneric obj10;
    DPSBinObjGeneric obj11;
    DPSBinObjGeneric obj12;
    DPSBinObjReal obj13;
    DPSBinObjReal obj14;
    DPSBinObjGeneric obj15;
    DPSBinObjGeneric obj16;
    DPSBinObjGeneric obj17;
    DPSBinObjGeneric obj18;
    DPSBinObjReal obj19;
    DPSBinObjReal obj20;
    DPSBinObjGeneric obj21;
    DPSBinObjGeneric obj22;
    DPSBinObjGeneric obj23;
    DPSBinObjReal obj24;
    DPSBinObjGeneric obj25;
    DPSBinObjReal obj26;
    DPSBinObjReal obj27;
    DPSBinObjGeneric obj28;
    DPSBinObjReal obj29;
    DPSBinObjReal obj30;
    DPSBinObjGeneric obj31;
    DPSBinObjGeneric obj32;
    DPSBinObjReal obj33;
    DPSBinObjReal obj34;
    DPSBinObjGeneric obj35;
    DPSBinObjReal obj36;
    DPSBinObjReal obj37;
    DPSBinObjGeneric obj38;
    DPSBinObjGeneric obj39;
    DPSBinObjGeneric obj40;
    DPSBinObjGeneric obj41;
    DPSBinObjGeneric obj42;
    DPSBinObjGeneric obj43;
    DPSBinObjGeneric obj44;
    DPSBinObjGeneric obj45;
    DPSBinObjGeneric obj46;
    DPSBinObjGeneric obj47;
    DPSBinObjGeneric obj48;
    DPSBinObjGeneric obj49;
    DPSBinObjGeneric obj50;
    DPSBinObjGeneric obj51;
    DPSBinObjGeneric obj52;
    DPSBinObjGeneric obj53;
    DPSBinObjGeneric obj54;
    DPSBinObjGeneric obj55;
    DPSBinObjGeneric obj56;
    DPSBinObjGeneric obj57;
    DPSBinObjGeneric obj58;
    DPSBinObjGeneric obj59;
    DPSBinObjGeneric obj60;
    DPSBinObjGeneric obj61;
    DPSBinObjGeneric obj62;
    DPSBinObjGeneric obj63;
    DPSBinObjGeneric obj64;
    DPSBinObjGeneric obj65;
    DPSBinObjGeneric obj66;
    DPSBinObjGeneric obj67;
    DPSBinObjGeneric obj68;
    DPSBinObjGeneric obj69;
    DPSBinObjGeneric obj70;
    DPSBinObjGeneric obj71;
    DPSBinObjGeneric obj72;
    DPSBinObjGeneric obj73;
    DPSBinObjGeneric obj74;
    DPSBinObjGeneric obj75;
    DPSBinObjGeneric obj76;
    DPSBinObjGeneric obj77;
    DPSBinObjGeneric obj78;
    DPSBinObjGeneric obj79;
    DPSBinObjGeneric obj80;
    DPSBinObjGeneric obj81;
    DPSBinObjGeneric obj82;
    DPSBinObjGeneric obj83;
    DPSBinObjGeneric obj84;
    DPSBinObjGeneric obj85;
    DPSBinObjGeneric obj86;
    DPSBinObjGeneric obj87;
    DPSBinObjGeneric obj88;
    DPSBinObjGeneric obj89;
    DPSBinObjGeneric obj90;
    } _dpsQ;
  static const _dpsQ _dpsStat = {
    DPS_DEF_TOKENTYPE, 87, 732,
    {DPS_EXEC|DPS_NAME, 0, DPSSYSNAME, 78},	/* gsave */
    {DPS_LITERAL|DPS_REAL, 0, 0, 0},	/* param: width */
    {DPS_LITERAL|DPS_REAL, 0, 0, 2.0},
    {DPS_EXEC|DPS_NAME, 0, DPSSYSNAME, 54},	/* div */
    {DPS_EXEC|DPS_NAME, 0, DPSSYSNAME, 110},	/* neg */
    {DPS_EXEC|DPS_NAME, 0, DPSSYSNAME, 51},	/* def */
    {DPS_LITERAL|DPS_REAL, 0, 0, 0},	/* param: width */
    {DPS_LITERAL|DPS_REAL, 0, 0, 2.0},
    {DPS_EXEC|DPS_NAME, 0, DPSSYSNAME, 54},	/* div */
    {DPS_EXEC|DPS_NAME, 0, DPSSYSNAME, 51},	/* def */
    {DPS_LITERAL|DPS_REAL, 0, 0, 0},	/* param: height */
    {DPS_LITERAL|DPS_REAL, 0, 0, 2.0},
    {DPS_EXEC|DPS_NAME, 0, DPSSYSNAME, 54},	/* div */
    {DPS_EXEC|DPS_NAME, 0, DPSSYSNAME, 110},	/* neg */
    {DPS_EXEC|DPS_NAME, 0, DPSSYSNAME, 51},	/* def */
    {DPS_LITERAL|DPS_REAL, 0, 0, 0},	/* param: height */
    {DPS_LITERAL|DPS_REAL, 0, 0, 2.0},
    {DPS_EXEC|DPS_NAME, 0, DPSSYSNAME, 54},	/* div */
    {DPS_EXEC|DPS_NAME, 0, DPSSYSNAME, 51},	/* def */
    {DPS_LITERAL|DPS_NAME, 0, DPSSYSNAME, 137},	/* round */
    {DPS_LITERAL|DPS_REAL, 0, 0, 6.4},
    {DPS_EXEC|DPS_NAME, 0, DPSSYSNAME, 51},	/* def */
    {DPS_LITERAL|DPS_REAL, 0, 0, 0},	/* param: x */
    {DPS_LITERAL|DPS_REAL, 0, 0, 0.5},
    {DPS_EXEC|DPS_NAME, 0, DPSSYSNAME, 169},	/* sub */
    {DPS_LITERAL|DPS_REAL, 0, 0, 0},	/* param: width */
    {DPS_LITERAL|DPS_REAL, 0, 0, 2.0},
    {DPS_EXEC|DPS_NAME, 0, DPSSYSNAME, 54},	/* div */
    {DPS_EXEC|DPS_NAME, 0, DPSSYSNAME, 1},	/* add */
    {DPS_LITERAL|DPS_REAL, 0, 0, 0},	/* param: y */
    {DPS_LITERAL|DPS_REAL, 0, 0, 0.5},
    {DPS_EXEC|DPS_NAME, 0, DPSSYSNAME, 169},	/* sub */
    {DPS_LITERAL|DPS_REAL, 0, 0, 0},	/* param: height */
    {DPS_LITERAL|DPS_REAL, 0, 0, 2.0},
    {DPS_EXEC|DPS_NAME, 0, DPSSYSNAME, 54},	/* div */
    {DPS_EXEC|DPS_NAME, 0, DPSSYSNAME, 1},	/* add */
    {DPS_EXEC|DPS_NAME, 0, DPSSYSNAME, 173},	/* translate */
    {DPS_EXEC|DPS_NAME, 0, DPSSYSNAME, 111},	/* newpath */
    {DPS_EXEC|DPS_NAME, 0, DPSSYSNAME, 387},	/* L */
    {DPS_LITERAL|DPS_INT, 0, 0, 0},
    {DPS_EXEC|DPS_NAME, 0, DPSSYSNAME, 107},	/* moveto */
    {DPS_EXEC|DPS_NAME, 0, DPSSYSNAME, 387},	/* L */
    {DPS_EXEC|DPS_NAME, 0, DPSSYSNAME, 395},	/* T */
    {DPS_EXEC|DPS_NAME, 0, DPSSYSNAME, 393},	/* R */
    {DPS_EXEC|DPS_NAME, 0, DPSSYSNAME, 395},	/* T */
    {DPS_EXEC|DPS_NAME, 0, DPSSYSNAME, 137},	/* round */
    {DPS_EXEC|DPS_NAME, 0, DPSSYSNAME, 8},	/* arcto */
    {DPS_LITERAL|DPS_INT, 0, 0, 4},
    {DPS_EXEC|DPS_ARRAY, 0, 1, 720},
    {DPS_EXEC|DPS_NAME, 0, DPSSYSNAME, 131},	/* repeat */
    {DPS_EXEC|DPS_NAME, 0, DPSSYSNAME, 393},	/* R */
    {DPS_EXEC|DPS_NAME, 0, DPSSYSNAME, 395},	/* T */
    {DPS_EXEC|DPS_NAME, 0, DPSSYSNAME, 393},	/* R */
    {DPS_EXEC|DPS_NAME, 0, DPSSYSNAME, 377},	/* B */
    {DPS_EXEC|DPS_NAME, 0, DPSSYSNAME, 137},	/* round */
    {DPS_EXEC|DPS_NAME, 0, DPSSYSNAME, 8},	/* arcto */
    {DPS_LITERAL|DPS_INT, 0, 0, 4},
    {DPS_EXEC|DPS_ARRAY, 0, 1, 712},
    {DPS_EXEC|DPS_NAME, 0, DPSSYSNAME, 131},	/* repeat */
    {DPS_EXEC|DPS_NAME, 0, DPSSYSNAME, 393},	/* R */
    {DPS_EXEC|DPS_NAME, 0, DPSSYSNAME, 377},	/* B */
    {DPS_EXEC|DPS_NAME, 0, DPSSYSNAME, 387},	/* L */
    {DPS_EXEC|DPS_NAME, 0, DPSSYSNAME, 377},	/* B */
    {DPS_EXEC|DPS_NAME, 0, DPSSYSNAME, 137},	/* round */
    {DPS_EXEC|DPS_NAME, 0, DPSSYSNAME, 8},	/* arcto */
    {DPS_LITERAL|DPS_INT, 0, 0, 4},
    {DPS_EXEC|DPS_ARRAY, 0, 1, 704},
    {DPS_EXEC|DPS_NAME, 0, DPSSYSNAME, 131},	/* repeat */
    {DPS_EXEC|DPS_NAME, 0, DPSSYSNAME, 387},	/* L */
    {DPS_EXEC|DPS_NAME, 0, DPSSYSNAME, 377},	/* B */
    {DPS_EXEC|DPS_NAME, 0, DPSSYSNAME, 387},	/* L */
    {DPS_EXEC|DPS_NAME, 0, DPSSYSNAME, 395},	/* T */
    {DPS_EXEC|DPS_NAME, 0, DPSSYSNAME, 137},	/* round */
    {DPS_EXEC|DPS_NAME, 0, DPSSYSNAME, 8},	/* arcto */
    {DPS_LITERAL|DPS_INT, 0, 0, 4},
    {DPS_EXEC|DPS_ARRAY, 0, 1, 696},
    {DPS_EXEC|DPS_NAME, 0, DPSSYSNAME, 131},	/* repeat */
    {DPS_EXEC|DPS_NAME, 0, DPSSYSNAME, 387},	/* L */
    {DPS_LITERAL|DPS_INT, 0, 0, 0},
    {DPS_EXEC|DPS_NAME, 0, DPSSYSNAME, 99},	/* lineto */
    {DPS_EXEC|DPS_NAME, 0, DPSSYSNAME, 22},	/* closepath */
    {DPS_EXEC|DPS_NAME, 0, DPSSYSNAME, 66},	/* fill */
    {DPS_EXEC|DPS_NAME, 0, DPSSYSNAME, 77},	/* grestore */
    {DPS_EXEC|DPS_NAME, 0, DPSSYSNAME, 117},	/* pop */
    {DPS_EXEC|DPS_NAME, 0, DPSSYSNAME, 117},	/* pop */
    {DPS_EXEC|DPS_NAME, 0, DPSSYSNAME, 117},	/* pop */
    {DPS_EXEC|DPS_NAME, 0, DPSSYSNAME, 117},	/* pop */
    }; /* _dpsQ */
  _dpsQ _dpsF;	/* local copy  */
  register DPSContext _dpsCurCtxt = DPSPrivCurrentContext();
  char pad[3];
  register DPSBinObjRec *_dpsP = (DPSBinObjRec *)&_dpsF.obj0;
  _dpsF = _dpsStat;	/* assign automatic variable */

  _dpsP[26].val.realVal = x;
  _dpsP[33].val.realVal = y;
  _dpsP[2].val.realVal =
  _dpsP[8].val.realVal =
  _dpsP[29].val.realVal = width;
  _dpsP[13].val.realVal =
  _dpsP[19].val.realVal =
  _dpsP[36].val.realVal = height;
  DPSBinObjSeqWrite(_dpsCurCtxt,(char *) &_dpsF,732);
  if (0) *pad = 0;    /* quiets compiler warnings */
#line 59 "IKCellPS.psw"

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