WindowExample Version 2.0 by Eric Tremblay and Rene Guimont ( Submitted to: Should end up in: WindowExample Version 2.0 by Eric Tremblay and Rene Guimont Intro: ====== Window Example shows you how to use some of the functions of windows. What's new?: ============ Version 2.0 Ported to OpenStep for MACH. Fixed some bugs, added features and made a new icon. INSTALLATION: ============ WINNT: 1. Unpack the software distribution a. open a "Bourne Shell" window b. change directory to location of distribution, for example, C:\temp cd C:\temp c. gunzip the distribution: gunzip d. untar the resulting uncompressed file: tar xvf The Package: ============ Version 2.0 comes complete in a tar.gz package. Which includes: - binary for OpenStep Intel for Windows NT - README.TXT This file - Nebula.rtfd Information about the Nebula CDROM - Includes Full Source Code - Intel Windows NT binaries. Compiling: ========== This version includes all the source code necessary to recompile the program from scratch. CONTACT INFO: ============= Comments and suggestions are welcomed: E-mail: WWW: