
This is MyNSObject.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]

#import "MyNSObject.h"

@implementation MyNSObject

- (void)appendTextTest:(id)sender
// This will get the text in appendTextInput and adds it at 
// the end of MyScrollView

// Gets the inputString
NSString *inputString = [appendTextInput stringValue];

// Assigns the documentView of MyScrollView to the variable document
document = [MyScrollView documentView];

// Appends the string of inputString to the document variable
// which is in fact the documentView of MyScrollView
[document setString:[[document string] stringByAppendingString:inputString]];


- (void)backBlack:(id)sender
// This will change the background color of MyScrollView

    [[MyScrollView documentView] setBackgroundColor:[NSColor blackColor]];
    [MyScrollView display];

- (void)backDgray:(id)sender
// This will change the background color of MyScrollView
     [[MyScrollView documentView] setBackgroundColor:[NSColor darkGrayColor]];
     [MyScrollView display];

- (void)backLgray:(id)sender
// This will change the background color of MyScrollView
    [[MyScrollView documentView] setBackgroundColor:[NSColor lightGrayColor]];
    [MyScrollView display];

- (void)backWhite:(id)sender
// This will change the background color of MyScrollView
      [[MyScrollView documentView] setBackgroundColor:[NSColor whiteColor]];
      [MyScrollView display];

- (void)byteLengthTest:(id)sender
// This displays how many bytes are used in the text of MyScrollView



- (void)Center:(id)sender
// This will justify the text to the Centered

        [[MyScrollView documentView] setAlignment:NSCenterTextAlignment];
        [MyScrollView display];

- (void)checkSpellingTest:(id)sender
// This checks the spelling of the text in the MyScrollView document
       // Assigns the documentView of MyScrollView to the variable document
       document = [MyScrollView documentView];

       // Spell check 
       [[MyScrollView documentView] checkSpelling:document];

       // Guess and replace panel
       [[MyScrollView documentView] showGuessPanel:document]; 

- (void)Left:(id)sender
// This will justify the text to the left

        [[MyScrollView documentView] setAlignment:NSLeftTextAlignment];
        [MyScrollView display];

- (void)Load:(id)sender

    	NSOpenPanel *panel;

       	// Create or get the shared instance of NSSavePanel
	panel = [NSOpenPanel openPanel];

    if ([panel runModal] == NSOKButton) {
        NSString *fileName = [panel filename];
        if ([[fileName pathExtension] isEqualToString:@"rtfd"]) {
            [[MyScrollView documentView] readRTFDFromFile:fileName];



- (void)MoreInfo:(id)sender

	[NSBundle loadNibNamed:@"MoreInfo.nib" owner:self]; // load nib


- (void)PrintScroll:(id)sender
// This method will print the scrollView to the printer
// Printing is rather simple; just send print:self to the text view
// you wish to print. The print panel will automatically pop up and unless
// the user cancels the printout the text view will be printed.

        [[MyScrollView documentView] print:self];

- (void)PrintWindow:(id)sender
// This method will print the WHOLE panel to the printer

        [TheWindow print:self];

- (void)Right:(id)sender
// This will justify the text to the right */

        [[MyScrollView documentView] setAlignment:NSRightTextAlignment];
        [MyScrollView display];

- (void)Ruler:(id)sender
// This method toggles a rular in the scrollview
        [[MyScrollView documentView] toggleRuler:self];

- (void)Save:(id)sender

	NSSavePanel *panel;

    	// Create or get the shared instance of NSSavePanel
        panel = [NSSavePanel savePanel];

        [panel setRequiredFileType:@"rtfd"];
        if ([panel runModal] == NSOKButton) {
        [[MyScrollView documentView] writeRTFDToFile:[panel filename] atomically:YES];

- (void)selectTextTest:(id)sender
// This selects "highlights" the text in MyScrollView
         [[MyScrollView documentView] selectText:document];

- (void)setTextTest:(id)sender
// This takes the text in setTextInput and displays it in MyScrollView
           const char *inputString;
           inputString = [[setTextInput stringValue] cString];
           [[MyScrollView documentView] setString:[NSString stringWithCString:inputString]];

- (void)textBlack:(id)sender
// changes the color of the text in MyScrollView
            [[MyScrollView documentView] setTextColor:[NSColor blackColor]];
            [MyScrollView display];

- (void)textDgray:(id)sender
// changes the color of the text in MyScrollView
            [[MyScrollView documentView] setTextColor:[NSColor darkGrayColor]];
            [MyScrollView display];

- (void)textLengthTest:(id)sender
// The number of characters in the Text object.



- (void)textLgray:(id)sender
// changes the color of the text in MyScrollView
         [[MyScrollView documentView] setTextColor:[NSColor lightGrayColor]];
         [MyScrollView display];

- (void)textWhite:(id)sender
// changes the color of the text in MyScrollView
            [[MyScrollView documentView] setTextColor:[NSColor whiteColor]];
            [MyScrollView display];


These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.