ScrollViewExample Version 2.0 by Eric Tremblay ( Special thanks to John Markle of the Montreal NeXT Users Group and John C. Randolph for his "Appending test in NSText objects" Usenet post. Submitted to: ScrollViewExample Version 2.0 by Eric Tremblay Intro: This is simply an example of a working scrollview. With some buttons to print a scrollview and a couple of other features. What's new?: Version 2.0 Ported to OpenStep for MACH. The Package: Version 2.0 comes complete in a tar.gz package. Which includes: - binary for NeXT, Intel and Sparc hardware - README.TXT This file - Nebula.rtfd Information about the Nebula CDROM - Includes Full Source Code - NeXT, Intel, and SPARC binaries. Compiling: This version includes all the source code necessary to recompile the program from scratch. Comments and suggestions are welcomed: E-mail: History: Original NEXTSTEP Version 1.0 June 12, 1993 OpenStep Version 2.0 May 20, 1997