
This is tm-sparc.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/* Target machine sub-parameters for SPARC, for GDB, the GNU debugger.
   This is included by other tm-*.h files to define SPARC cpu-related info.
   Copyright 1986, 1987, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994
   Free Software Foundation, Inc.
   Contributed by Michael Tiemann (tiemann@mcc.com)

This file is part of GDB.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.  */


/* Floating point is IEEE compatible.  */
#define IEEE_FLOAT

/* If an argument is declared "register", Sun cc will keep it in a register,
   never saving it onto the stack.  So we better not believe the "p" symbol
   descriptor stab.  */


/* When passing a structure to a function, Sun cc passes the address
   not the structure itself.  It (under SunOS4) creates two symbols,
   which we need to combine to a LOC_REGPARM.  Gcc version two (as of
   1.92) behaves like sun cc.  REG_STRUCT_HAS_ADDR is smart enough to
   distinguish between Sun cc, gcc version 1 and gcc version 2.  */

#define REG_STRUCT_HAS_ADDR(gcc_p,type) (gcc_p != 1)

/* Sun /bin/cc gets this right as of SunOS 4.1.x.  We need to define
   BELIEVE_PCC_PROMOTION to get this right now that the code which
   detects gcc2_compiled. is broken.  This loses for SunOS 4.0.x and
   earlier.  */


/* For acc, there's no need to correct LBRAC entries by guessing how
   they should work.  In fact, this is harmful because the LBRAC
   entries now all appear at the end of the function, not intermixed
   with the SLINE entries.  n_opt_found detects acc for Solaris binaries;
   function_stab_type detects acc for SunOS4 binaries.

   For binary from SunOS4 /bin/cc, need to correct LBRAC's.

   For gcc, like acc, don't correct.  */

#ifndef NeXT /* This is defined in next/xm.h */
  (n_opt_found \
   || function_stab_type == N_STSYM \
   || function_stab_type == N_GSYM \
   || processing_gcc_compilation)

/* Do variables in the debug stabs occur after the N_LBRAC or before it?
   acc: after, gcc: before, SunOS4 /bin/cc: before.  */

#define VARIABLES_INSIDE_BLOCK(desc, gcc_p) \
  (!(gcc_p) \
   && (n_opt_found \
       || function_stab_type == N_STSYM \
       || function_stab_type == N_GSYM))
#endif	/* NeXT */

/* Offset from address of function to start of its code.
   Zero on most machines.  */


/* Advance PC across any function entry prologue instructions
   to reach some "real" code.  SKIP_PROLOGUE_FRAMELESS_P advances
   the PC past some of the prologue, but stops as soon as it
   knows that the function has a frame.  Its result is equal
   to its input PC if the function is frameless, unequal otherwise.  */

#define SKIP_PROLOGUE(pc) \
  { pc = skip_prologue (pc, 0); }
  { pc = skip_prologue (pc, 1); }
extern CORE_ADDR skip_prologue PARAMS ((CORE_ADDR, int));

#ifdef NeXT	/* SKIP_TRAMPOLINE stuff */
/* If PC is in some function-call trampoline code, return the PC
   where the function itself actually starts.  If not, return NULL.  */

extern CORE_ADDR skip_trampoline_code (CORE_ADDR pc, char *name);

#define	SKIP_TRAMPOLINE_CODE(pc) skip_trampoline_code (pc, NULL)

/* Return non-zero if we are in some sort of a trampoline. */

#define IN_SOLIB_TRAMPOLINE(pc, name) (isDylibJump(pc) || isShlibJump(pc))


/* Immediately after a function call, return the saved pc.
   Can't go through the frames for this because on some machines
   the new frame is not set up until the new function executes
   some instructions.  */

/* On the Sun 4 under SunOS, the compile will leave a fake insn which
   encodes the structure size being returned.  If we detect such
   a fake insn, step past it.  */

#define PC_ADJUST(pc) sparc_pc_adjust(pc)
extern CORE_ADDR sparc_pc_adjust PARAMS ((CORE_ADDR));

#define SAVED_PC_AFTER_CALL(frame) PC_ADJUST (read_register (RP_REGNUM))

/* Stack grows downward.  */

#define INNER_THAN <

/* Stack has strict alignment.  */

#define STACK_ALIGN(ADDR) (((ADDR)+7)&-8)

/* Sequence of bytes for breakpoint instruction.  */

#define BREAKPOINT {0x91, 0xd0, 0x20, 0x01}

/* Amount PC must be decremented by after a breakpoint.
   This is often the number of bytes in BREAKPOINT
   but not always.  */


/* Nonzero if instruction at PC is a return instruction.  */
/* For SPARC, this is either a "jmpl %o7+8,%g0" or "jmpl %i7+8,%g0".

   Note: this does not work for functions returning structures under SunOS.  */
#define ABOUT_TO_RETURN(pc) \
  ((read_memory_integer (pc, 4)|0x00040000) == 0x81c7e008)

/* Say how long (ordinary) registers are.  This is a piece of bogosity
   used in push_word and a few other places; REGISTER_RAW_SIZE is the
   real way to know how big a register is.  */


/* Number of machine registers */

#ifndef NeXT
#define NUM_REGS 72
#define NUM_REGS 74
#endif	/* NeXT */

/* Initializer for an array of names of registers.
   There should be NUM_REGS strings in this initializer.  */

{ "g0", "g1", "g2", "g3", "g4", "g5", "g6", "g7",	\
  "o0", "o1", "o2", "o3", "o4", "o5", "sp", "o7",	\
  "l0", "l1", "l2", "l3", "l4", "l5", "l6", "l7",	\
  "i0", "i1", "i2", "i3", "i4", "i5", "fp", "i7",	\
  "f0", "f1", "f2", "f3", "f4", "f5", "f6", "f7",	\
  "f8", "f9", "f10", "f11", "f12", "f13", "f14", "f15",	\
  "f16", "f17", "f18", "f19", "f20", "f21", "f22", "f23",	\
  "f24", "f25", "f26", "f27", "f28", "f29", "f30", "f31",	\
  "y", "psr", "wim", "tbr", "pc", "npc", "fpsr", "cpsr",	\
  "fq0", "fq1" }

/* Register numbers of various important registers.
   Note that some of these values are "real" register numbers,
   and correspond to the general registers of the machine,
   and some are "phony" register numbers which are too large
   to be actual register numbers as far as the user is concerned
   but do serve to get the desired values when passed to read_register.  */

#define	G0_REGNUM 0             /* %g0 */
#define	G1_REGNUM 1		/* %g1 */
#define O0_REGNUM 8		/* %o0 */
#define	SP_REGNUM 14		/* Contains address of top of stack, \
				   which is also the bottom of the frame.  */
#define	RP_REGNUM 15		/* Contains return address value, *before* \
				   any windows get switched.  */
#define	O7_REGNUM 15		/* Last local reg not saved on stack frame */
#define	L0_REGNUM 16		/* First local reg that's saved on stack frame
				   rather than in machine registers */
#define	I0_REGNUM 24		/* %i0 */
#define	FP_REGNUM 30		/* Contains address of executing stack frame */
#define	I7_REGNUM 31		/* Last local reg saved on stack frame */
#define	FP0_REGNUM 32		/* Floating point register 0 */
#define	Y_REGNUM 64		/* Temp register for multiplication, etc.  */
#define	PS_REGNUM 65		/* Contains processor status */
#define	WIM_REGNUM 66		/* Window Invalid Mask (not really supported) */
#define	TBR_REGNUM 67		/* Trap Base Register (not really supported) */
#define	PC_REGNUM 68		/* Contains program counter */
#define	NPC_REGNUM 69           /* Contains next PC */
#define	FPS_REGNUM 70		/* Floating point status register */
#define	CPS_REGNUM 71		/* Coprocessor status register */
#ifdef NeXT
#define FQ0_REGNUM 72		/* First word in fp deferred-trap queue */
#define FQ1_REGNUM 73		/* Second word in fp deferred-trap queue */
#endif	/* NeXT */

/* Total amount of space needed to store our copies of the machine's
   register state, the array `registers'.  On the sparc, `registers'
   contains the ins and locals, even though they are saved on the
   stack rather than with the other registers, and this causes hair
   and confusion in places like pop_frame.  It might be
   better to remove the ins and locals from `registers', make sure
   that get_saved_register can get them from the stack (even in the
   innermost frame), and make this the way to access them.  For the
   frame pointer we would do that via TARGET_READ_FP.  On the other hand,
   that is likely to be confusing or worse for flat frames.  */

#ifndef NeXT
#define REGISTER_BYTES (32*4+32*4+8*4)
#define REGISTER_BYTES (32*4+32*4+8*4+2*4)
#endif	/* NeXT */

/* Index within `registers' of the first byte of the space for
   register N.  */
/* ?? */
#define REGISTER_BYTE(N)  ((N)*4)

/* The SPARC processor has register windows.  */


/* Is this register part of the register window system?  A yes answer
   implies that 1) The name of this register will not be the same in
   other frames, and 2) This register is automatically "saved" (out
   registers shifting into ins counts) upon subroutine calls and thus
   there is no need to search more than one stack frame for it. */

#define REGISTER_IN_WINDOW_P(regnum)	\
  ((regnum) >= 8 && (regnum) < 32)

/* Number of bytes of storage in the actual machine representation
   for register N.  */

/* On the SPARC, all regs are 4 bytes.  */

#define REGISTER_RAW_SIZE(N) (4)

/* Number of bytes of storage in the program's representation
   for register N.  */

/* On the SPARC, all regs are 4 bytes.  */


/* Largest value REGISTER_RAW_SIZE can have.  */


/* Largest value REGISTER_VIRTUAL_SIZE can have.  */


/* Return the GDB type object for the "standard" data type
   of data in register N.  */

 ((N) < 32 ? builtin_type_int : (N) < 64 ? builtin_type_float : \

/* Writing to %g0 is a noop (not an error or exception or anything like
   that, however).  */

#define CANNOT_STORE_REGISTER(regno) ((regno) == G0_REGNUM)

/* Store the address of the place in which to copy the structure the
   subroutine will return.  This is called from call_function. */

  { target_write_memory ((SP)+(16*4), (char *)&(ADDR), 4); }

/* Extract from an array REGBUF containing the (raw) register state
   a function return value of type TYPE, and copy that, in virtual format,
   into VALBUF.  */

  {      	       	       	       	       	       	       	           \
    if (TYPE_CODE (TYPE) == TYPE_CODE_FLT)		       		   \
      {							       		   \
	memcpy ((VALBUF), ((int *)(REGBUF))+FP0_REGNUM, TYPE_LENGTH(TYPE));\
      }							       		   \
    else						       		   \
      memcpy ((VALBUF),						   	   \
	      (char *)(REGBUF) + 4 * 8 +				   \
	      (TYPE_LENGTH(TYPE) >= 4 ? 0 : 4 - TYPE_LENGTH(TYPE)),	   \
	      TYPE_LENGTH(TYPE));					   \

/* Write into appropriate registers a function return value
   of type TYPE, given in virtual format.  */
/* On sparc, values are returned in register %o0.  */
  {    	       	       	       	       	       	       	       	       	     \
    if (TYPE_CODE (TYPE) == TYPE_CODE_FLT)				     \
      /* Floating-point values are returned in the register pair */          \
      /* formed by %f0 and %f1 (doubles are, anyway).  */                    \
      write_register_bytes (REGISTER_BYTE (FP0_REGNUM), (VALBUF),	     \
			    TYPE_LENGTH (TYPE));			     \
    else								     \
      /* Other values are returned in register %o0.  */                      \
      write_register_bytes (REGISTER_BYTE (O0_REGNUM), (VALBUF),	     \
			    TYPE_LENGTH (TYPE));  \

#ifdef NeXT
/* Should we use EXTRACT_STRUCT_VALUE_ADDRESS instead of
   EXTRACT_RETURN_VALUE?  GCC_P is true if compiled with gcc
   and TYPE is the type (which is known to be struct, union or array).

   On most machines, the struct convention is used unless we are
   using gcc and the type is of a special size.

   Apparently this version of gcc on this architecture uses 
   "the struct returning convention" for all struct sizes except 
   one byte.  That means that unles the size is one byte,
   we should always use EXTRACT_STRUCT_VALUE_ADDRESS instead of 
   EXTRACT_RETURN_VALUE to retrieve the struct return value.  MVS 3/20/95 */

#define USE_STRUCT_CONVENTION(gcc_p, value_type) \
	(!((gcc_p) && (TYPE_LENGTH (value_type) == 1)))
#endif	/* NeXT */

/* Extract from an array REGBUF containing the (raw) register state
   the address in which a function should return its structure value,
   as a CORE_ADDR (or an expression that can be used as one).  */

  (sparc_extract_struct_value_address (REGBUF))

extern CORE_ADDR
sparc_extract_struct_value_address PARAMS ((char [REGISTER_BYTES]));

/* Describe the pointer in each stack frame to the previous stack frame
   (its caller).  */

/* FRAME_CHAIN takes a frame's nominal address
   and produces the frame's chain-pointer. */

/* In the case of the Sun 4, the frame-chain's nominal address
   is held in the frame pointer register.

   On the Sun4, the frame (in %fp) is %sp for the previous frame.
   From the previous frame's %sp, we can find the previous frame's
   %fp: it is in the save area just above the previous frame's %sp.

   If we are setting up an arbitrary frame, we'll need to know where
   it ends.  Hence the following.  This part of the frame cache
   structure should be checked before it is assumed that this frame's
   bottom is in the stack pointer.

   If there isn't a frame below this one, the bottom of this frame is
   in the stack pointer.

   If there is a frame below this one, and the frame pointers are
   identical, it's a leaf frame and the bottoms are the same also.

   Otherwise the bottom of this frame is the top of the next frame.

   The bottom field is misnamed, since it might imply that memory from
   bottom to frame contains this frame.  That need not be true if
   stack frames are allocated in different segments (e.g. some on a
   stack, some on a heap in the data segment).  */

#define INIT_EXTRA_FRAME_INFO(fromleaf, fci)  \
  (fci)->bottom =					\
   ((fci)->next ?					\
    ((fci)->frame == (fci)->next->frame ?		\
     (fci)->next->bottom : (fci)->next->frame) :	\
    read_register (SP_REGNUM));

#ifdef __STDC__
struct frame_info;			/* forward decl for prototypes */

#define FRAME_CHAIN(thisframe) (sparc_frame_chain (thisframe))
extern CORE_ADDR sparc_frame_chain PARAMS ((struct frame_info *));

/* Define other aspects of the stack frame.  */

/* A macro that tells us whether the function invocation represented
   by FI does not have a frame on the stack associated with it.  If it
   does not, FRAMELESS is set to 1, else 0.  */
  (FRAMELESS) = frameless_look_for_prologue(FI)

/* The location of I0 w.r.t SP.  This is actually dependent on how the system's
   window overflow/underflow routines are written.  Most vendors save the L regs
   followed by the I regs (at the higher address).  Some vendors get it wrong.

#define	FRAME_SAVED_L0	0

/* Where is the PC for a specific frame */

#define FRAME_SAVED_PC(FRAME) sparc_frame_saved_pc (FRAME)
extern CORE_ADDR sparc_frame_saved_pc ();

/* If the argument is on the stack, it will be here.  */
#define FRAME_ARGS_ADDRESS(fi) ((fi)->frame)

#define FRAME_STRUCT_ARGS_ADDRESS(fi) ((fi)->frame)

#define FRAME_LOCALS_ADDRESS(fi) ((fi)->frame)

/* Set VAL to the number of args passed to frame described by FI.
   Can set VAL to -1, meaning no way to tell.  */

/* We can't tell how many args there are
   now that the C compiler delays popping them.  */
#define FRAME_NUM_ARGS(val,fi) (val = -1)

/* Return number of bytes at start of arglist that are not really args.  */

#define FRAME_ARGS_SKIP 68

/* Put here the code to store, into a struct frame_saved_regs,
   the addresses of the saved registers of frame described by FRAME_INFO.
   The actual code is in sparc-tdep.c so we can debug it sanely.  */

#define FRAME_FIND_SAVED_REGS(fi, frame_saved_regs)    	    \
	sparc_frame_find_saved_regs ((fi), &(frame_saved_regs))
extern void sparc_frame_find_saved_regs ();
/* Things needed for making the inferior call functions.  */
 * First of all, let me give my opinion of what the DUMMY_FRAME
 * actually looks like.
 *               |                                 |
 *               |                                 |
 *               + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +<-- fp (level 0)
 *               |                                 |
 *               |                                 |
 *               |                                 |
 *               |                                 |
 *               |  Frame of innermost program     |
 *               |           function              |
 *               |                                 |
 *               |                                 |
 *               |                                 |
 *               |                                 |
 *               |                                 |
 *               |---------------------------------|<-- sp (level 0), fp (c)
 *               |                                 |
 *     DUMMY     |             fp0-31              |
 *               |                                 |
 *               |             ------              |<-- fp - 0x80
 *     FRAME     |              g0-7               |<-- fp - 0xa0
 *               |              i0-7               |<-- fp - 0xc0
 *               |             other               |<-- fp - 0xe0
 *               |               ?                 |
 *               |               ?                 |
 *               |---------------------------------|<-- sp' = fp - 0x140
 *               |                                 |
 * xcution start |                                 |
 * sp' + 0x94 -->|        CALL_DUMMY (x code)      |
 *               |                                 |
 *               |                                 |
 *               |---------------------------------|<-- sp'' = fp - 0x200
 *               |  align sp to 8 byte boundary    |
 *               |     ==> args to fn <==          |
 *  Room for     |                                 |
 * i & l's + agg | CALL_DUMMY_STACK_ADJUST = 0x0x44|
 *               |---------------------------------|<-- final sp (variable)
 *               |                                 |
 *               |   Where function called will    |
 *               |           build frame.          |
 *               |                                 |
 *               |                                 |
 *   I understand everything in this picture except what the space
 * between fp - 0xe0 and fp - 0x140 is used for.  Oh, and I don't
 * understand why there's a large chunk of CALL_DUMMY that never gets
 * executed (its function is superceeded by PUSH_DUMMY_FRAME; they
 * are designed to do the same thing).
 *   PUSH_DUMMY_FRAME saves the registers above sp' and pushes the
 * register file stack down one.
 *   call_function then writes CALL_DUMMY, pushes the args onto the
 * stack, and adjusts the stack pointer.
 *   run_stack_dummy then starts execution (in the middle of
 * CALL_DUMMY, as directed by call_function).

/* Push an empty stack frame, to record the current PC, etc.  */

#define PUSH_DUMMY_FRAME	sparc_push_dummy_frame ()
#define POP_FRAME	sparc_pop_frame ()

void sparc_push_dummy_frame (), sparc_pop_frame ();
/* This sequence of words is the instructions

   save %sp,-0x140,%sp
   std	%f30,[%fp-0x08]
   std	%f28,[%fp-0x10]
   std	%f26,[%fp-0x18]
   std	%f24,[%fp-0x20]
   std	%f22,[%fp-0x28]
   std	%f20,[%fp-0x30]
   std	%f18,[%fp-0x38]
   std	%f16,[%fp-0x40]
   std	%f14,[%fp-0x48]
   std	%f12,[%fp-0x50]
   std	%f10,[%fp-0x58]
   std	%f8,[%fp-0x60]
   std	%f6,[%fp-0x68]
   std	%f4,[%fp-0x70]
   std	%f2,[%fp-0x78]
   std	%f0,[%fp-0x80]
   std	%g6,[%fp-0x88]
   std	%g4,[%fp-0x90]
   std	%g2,[%fp-0x98]
   std	%g0,[%fp-0xa0]
   std	%i6,[%fp-0xa8]
   std	%i4,[%fp-0xb0]
   std	%i2,[%fp-0xb8]
   std	%i0,[%fp-0xc0]
   nop ! stcsr	[%fp-0xc4]
   nop ! stfsr	[%fp-0xc8]
   nop ! wr	%npc,[%fp-0xcc]
   nop ! wr	%pc,[%fp-0xd0]
   rd	%tbr,%o0
   st	%o0,[%fp-0xd4]
   rd	%wim,%o1
   st	%o0,[%fp-0xd8]
   rd	%psr,%o0
   st	%o0,[%fp-0xdc]
   rd	%y,%o0
   st	%o0,[%fp-0xe0]

     /..* The arguments are pushed at this point by GDB;
	no code is needed in the dummy for this.
	The CALL_DUMMY_START_OFFSET gives the position of
	the following ld instruction.  *../

   ld	[%sp+0x58],%o5
   ld	[%sp+0x54],%o4
   ld	[%sp+0x50],%o3
   ld	[%sp+0x4c],%o2
   ld	[%sp+0x48],%o1
   call 0x00000000
   ld	[%sp+0x44],%o0
   ta 1

   note that this is 192 bytes, which is a multiple of 8 (not only 4) bytes.
   note that the `call' insn is a relative, not an absolute call.
   note that the `nop' at the end is needed to keep the trap from
        clobbering things (if NPC pointed to garbage instead).

We actually start executing at the `sethi', since the pushing of the
registers (as arguments) is done by PUSH_DUMMY_FRAME.  If this were
real code, the arguments for the function called by the CALL would be
pushed between the list of ST insns and the CALL, and we could allow
it to execute through.  But the arguments have to be pushed by GDB
after the PUSH_DUMMY_FRAME is done, and we cannot allow these ST
insns to be performed again, lest the registers saved be taken for
arguments.  */

#define CALL_DUMMY { 0x9de3bee0, 0xfd3fbff8, 0xf93fbff0, 0xf53fbfe8,	\
		     0xf13fbfe0, 0xed3fbfd8, 0xe93fbfd0, 0xe53fbfc8,	\
		     0xe13fbfc0, 0xdd3fbfb8, 0xd93fbfb0, 0xd53fbfa8,	\
		     0xd13fbfa0, 0xcd3fbf98, 0xc93fbf90, 0xc53fbf88,	\
		     0xc13fbf80, 0xcc3fbf78, 0xc83fbf70, 0xc43fbf68,	\
		     0xc03fbf60, 0xfc3fbf58, 0xf83fbf50, 0xf43fbf48,	\
		     0xf03fbf40, 0x01000000, 0x01000000, 0x01000000,	\
		     0x01000000, 0x91580000, 0xd027bf50, 0x93500000,	\
		     0xd027bf4c, 0x91480000, 0xd027bf48, 0x91400000,	\
		     0xd027bf44, 0xda03a058, 0xd803a054, 0xd603a050,	\
		     0xd403a04c, 0xd203a048, 0x40000000, 0xd003a044,	\
		     0x01000000, 0x91d02001, 0x01000000, 0x01000000}





/* Insert the specified number of args and function address
   into a call sequence of the above form stored at DUMMYNAME.

   For structs and unions, if the function was compiled with Sun cc,
   it expects 'unimp' after the call.  But gcc doesn't use that
   (twisted) convention.  So leave a nop there for gcc (FIX_CALL_DUMMY
   can assume it is operating on a pristine CALL_DUMMY, not one that
   has already been customized for a different function).  */

#define FIX_CALL_DUMMY(dummyname, pc, fun, nargs, args, type, gcc_p)     \
{									\
  *(int *)((char *) dummyname+168) = (0x40000000|((fun-(pc+168))>>2));	\
  if (!gcc_p                                                            \
      && (TYPE_CODE (type) == TYPE_CODE_STRUCT				\
	  || TYPE_CODE (type) == TYPE_CODE_UNION))	                \
    *(int *)((char *) dummyname+176) = (TYPE_LENGTH (type) & 0x1fff);	\

/* Sparc has no reliable single step ptrace call */

#define NO_SINGLE_STEP 1
extern void single_step PARAMS ((int));

/* We need more arguments in a frame specification for the
   "frame" or "info frame" command.  */

#define SETUP_ARBITRARY_FRAME(argc, argv) setup_arbitrary_frame (argc, argv)
extern struct frame_info *setup_arbitrary_frame PARAMS ((int, CORE_ADDR *));

/* To print every pair of float registers as a double, we use this hook.  */

#define	PRINT_REGISTER_HOOK(regno)	\
  if (((regno) >= FP0_REGNUM)		\
   && ((regno) <  FP0_REGNUM + 32)	\
   && (0 == ((regno) & 1))) {		\
    char doublereg[8];				/* two float regs */	\
    if (!read_relative_register_raw_bytes ((regno)  , doublereg  )	\
     && !read_relative_register_raw_bytes ((regno)+1, doublereg+4)) {	\
      fprintf_filtered (gdb_stdout, " double: ");			\
      print_floating (doublereg, builtin_type_double, gdb_stdout);	\
    }					\

/* Optimization for storing registers to the inferior.  The hook
   actually executes any deferred stores.  It is called any time
   we are going to proceed the child, or read its registers.
   The hook CLEAR_DEFERRED_STORES is called when we want to throw
   away the inferior process, e.g. when it dies or we kill it.
   FIXME, this does not handle remote debugging cleanly.  */

extern int deferred_stores;
  if (deferred_stores)		\
    target_store_registers (-2);
  deferred_stores = 0;

#ifdef NeXT
#define INITIAL_RET_PC() (PC_ADJUST (read_register (RP_REGNUM)))

#define DO_REGISTERS_INFO(_regnum, fp) sparc_do_registers_info(_regnum, fp)
#endif	/* NeXT */

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.