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/* maptable.h Scalable hash table of mappings. Bertrand, August 1990 Copyright 1990 NeXT, Inc. */ #ifndef _OBJC_MAPTABLE_H_ #define _OBJC_MAPTABLE_H_ #import <objc/objc.h> #import <objc/zone.h> /*************** Definitions ***************/ /* This module allows hashing of arbitrary associations [key -> value]. Keys and values must be pointers or integers, and client is responsible for allocating/deallocating this data. A deallocation call-back is provided. NX_MAPNOTAKEY (-1) is used internally as a marker, and therefore keys must always be different from -1. As well-behaved scalable data structures, hash tables double in size when they start becoming full, thus guaranteeing both average constant time access and linear size. */ typedef struct _NXMapTable { /* private data structure; may change */ const struct _NXMapTablePrototype *prototype; unsigned count; unsigned nbBuckets; void *buckets; } NXMapTable; typedef struct _NXMapTablePrototype { unsigned (*hash)(NXMapTable *, const void *key); int (*isEqual)(NXMapTable *, const void *key1, const void *key2); void (*free)(NXMapTable *, void *key, void *value); int style; /* reserved for future expansion; currently 0 */ } NXMapTablePrototype; /* invariants assumed by the implementation: A - key != -1 B - key1 == key2 => hash(key1) == hash(key2) when key varies over time, hash(key) must remain invariant e.g. if string key, the string must not be changed C - isEqual(key1, key2) => key1 == key2 */ #define NX_MAPNOTAKEY ((void *)(-1)) /*************** Functions ***************/ extern NXMapTable *NXCreateMapTableFromZone(NXMapTablePrototype prototype, unsigned capacity, NXZone *zone); extern NXMapTable *NXCreateMapTable(NXMapTablePrototype prototype, unsigned capacity); /* capacity is only a hint; 0 creates a small table */ extern void NXFreeMapTable(NXMapTable *table); /* call free for each pair, and recovers table */ extern void NXResetMapTable(NXMapTable *table); /* free each pair; keep current capacity */ extern BOOL NXCompareMapTables(NXMapTable *table1, NXMapTable *table2); /* Returns YES if the two sets are equal (each member of table1 in table2, and table have same size) */ extern unsigned NXCountMapTable(NXMapTable *table); /* current number of data in table */ extern void *NXMapMember(NXMapTable *table, const void *key, void **value); /* return original table key or NX_MAPNOTAKEY. If key is found, value is set */ extern void *NXMapGet(NXMapTable *table, const void *key); /* return original corresponding value or NULL. When NULL need be stored as value, NXMapMember can be used to test for presence */ extern void *NXMapInsert(NXMapTable *table, const void *key, const void *value); /* override preexisting pair; Return previous value or NULL. */ extern void *NXMapRemove(NXMapTable *table, const void *key); /* previous value or NULL is returned */ /* Iteration over all elements of a table consists in setting up an iteration state and then to progress until all entries have been visited. An example of use for counting elements in a table is: unsigned count = 0; const MyKey *key; const MyValue *value; NXMapState state = NXInitMapState(table); while(NXNextMapState(table, &state, &key, &value)) { count++; } */ typedef struct {int index;} NXMapState; /* callers should not rely on actual contents of the struct */ extern NXMapState NXInitMapState(NXMapTable *table); extern int NXNextMapState(NXMapTable *table, NXMapState *state, const void **key, const void **value); /* returns 0 when all elements have been visited */ /*************** Conveniences ***************/ extern const NXMapTablePrototype NXPtrValueMapPrototype; /* hashing is pointer/integer hashing; isEqual is identity; free is no-op. */ extern const NXMapTablePrototype NXStrValueMapPrototype; /* hashing is string hashing; isEqual is strcmp; free is no-op. */ extern const NXMapTablePrototype NXObjectMapPrototype; /* for objects; uses methods: hash, isEqual:, free, all for key. */ #endif /* _OBJC_MAPTABLE_H_ */
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