
This is Document.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <AppKit/AppKit.h>

@class NSTextView;
@class NSTextStorage;
@class NSPrintInfo;

/* These get added to the string encodings so we have a common language to refer to file types */
enum {
    UnknownStringEncoding = -1000,
    RichTextStringEncoding = -1001,
    RichTextWithGraphicsStringEncoding = -1002

/* List of encodings to display in the open/save panels */
extern const int *SupportedEncodings (void);

/* Set up an encoding popup with the specified parameters. If the popup contains 1 item, it's also initialized with the supported encodings. */
extern void SetUpEncodingPopupButton(NSPopUpButton *popup, int selectedEncoding, BOOL includeDefaultItem);

@interface Document : NSObject {
    NSTextStorage *textStorage;
    NSString *documentName;		/* If nil, never saved */
    NSScrollView *scrollView;		/* ScrollView containing document */
    NSPrintInfo *printInfo;		/* PrintInfo, used when hasMultiplePages is true */
    BOOL isDocumentEdited;
    BOOL hasMultiplePages;
    BOOL isRichText;
    BOOL uniqueZone;			/* YES if the zone was created specially for this document */
    int encodingIfPlainText;
    NSString *potentialSaveDirectory;	/* if non-nil, is path prefix where to save it. */

/* Don't call init; call one of these methods... */
- (id)initWithPath:(NSString *)filename encoding:(int)encoding uniqueZone:(BOOL)flag;	/* Should be an absolute path here; nil for untitled. uniqueZone = YES indicates the zone should be recycled when the doc is dealloced. */
+ (BOOL)openDocumentWithPath:(NSString *)filename encoding:(int)encoding;	/* Brings window front. Checks to see if document already open. */
+ (BOOL)openUntitled;	/* Brings window front */

/* These set/get the documentName instance var and also set the window title accordingly. "nil" is used if no title. */
- (void)setDocumentName:(NSString *)fileName;
- (NSString *)documentName;

/* These determine if document has been edited since last save */
- (void)setDocumentEdited:(BOOL)flag;
- (BOOL)isDocumentEdited;

/* Is the document rich? */
- (BOOL)isRichText;
- (void)setRichText:(BOOL)flag;

/* View size (as it should be saved in a RTF file) */
- (NSSize)viewSize;
- (void)setViewSize:(NSSize)size;

/* Attributes */
- (NSTextStorage *)textStorage;
- (NSTextView *)firstTextView;
- (NSWindow *)window;
- (NSLayoutManager *)layoutManager;

/* Misc methods */
+ (Document *)documentForWindow:(NSWindow *)window;
+ (Document*)currentDocument;
+ (Document *)documentForPath:(NSString *)filename;
+ (NSString *)cleanedUpPath:(NSString *)filename;
+ (NSView *)encodingAccessory:(int)defaultEncoding includeDefaultEntry:(BOOL)includeDefaultItem;
+ (unsigned)numberOfOpenDocuments;
- (void)doForegroundLayoutToCharacterIndex:(unsigned)loc;

/* Page-oriented methods */
- (void)addPage;
- (void)removePage;
- (unsigned)numberOfPages;
- (void)setHasMultiplePages:(BOOL)flag;
- (BOOL)hasMultiplePages;
- (void)setPrintInfo:(NSPrintInfo *)anObject;
- (NSPrintInfo *)printInfo;

/* Printing a document */
- (void)printDocumentUsingPrintPanel:(BOOL)uiFlag;

/* Saving helpers. These return NO or nil if user cancels the save... */
- (BOOL)getDocumentName:(NSString **)newName encoding:(int *)encodingForSaving oldName:(NSString *)oldName oldEncoding:(int)encoding;
- (BOOL)saveDocument:(BOOL)showSavePanel;	/* Saves under documentName; if not set, tries to set it first */
- (BOOL)canCloseDocument;	/* Assures document is saved or user doesn't care about the changes; returns NO if user cancels */
+ (void)openWithEncodingAccessory:(BOOL)flag;

/* Outlet methods */
+ (void)setEncodingPopupButton:(id)anObject;	/* In the save panel... */
+ (void)setEncodingAccessory:(id)anObject;	/* In the save panel... */

/* Action methods */
+ (void)open:(id)sender;
- (void)saveAs:(id)sender;
- (void)saveTo:(id)sender;
- (void)save:(id)sender;
- (void)revert:(id)sender;
- (void)close:(id)sender;
- (void)runPageLayout:(id)sender;
- (void)orderFrontFindPanel:(id)sender;
- (void)findNext:(id)sender;
- (void)findPrevious:(id)sender;
- (void)enterSelection:(id)sender;
- (void)jumpToSelection:(id)sender;
- (void)toggleRich:(id)sender;
- (void)togglePageBreaks:(id)sender;
- (void)printDocument:(id)sender;  /* action cover for [self printDocumentUsingPrintPanel:YES] */

/* When the preference "OpenPanelFollowsMainWindow" is set to YES, this is used to save/get the last used directory for the save/open panel.
+ (void)setLastOpenSavePanelDirectory:(NSString *)dir;
+ (NSString *)openSavePanelDirectory;

/* setPotentialSaveDirectory gets called automatically when a doc is made "new" UNTITLED.  The name is taken from the current main window, if any.  The directory is used to put up the save panel the first time the doc is saved from the UNTITLED state.  It is only used when the preference "OpenPanelFollowsMainWindow" is set to YES.
- (void)setPotentialSaveDirectory:(NSString *)nm;
- (NSString *)potentialSaveDirectory;

/* Dealing with selection */
- (void)selectFromLine:(int)startLine toEndLine:(int)endLine;
- (void)selectFromChar:(int)startChar toEndChar:(int)endChar;
- (NSRange)selectionRange;
- (void)getStartLine:(int*)startLine endLine:(int*)endLine;
- (NSString*)selection;
- (void)showLineRangePanel:sender;

/* Delegation messages */
- (void)textView:(NSTextView *)view doubleClickedOnCell:(id <NSTextAttachmentCell>)cell inRect:(NSRect)rect;
- (void)textView:(NSTextView *)view draggedCell:(id <NSTextAttachmentCell>)cell inRect:(NSRect)rect event:(NSEvent *)event;
- (void)textDidChange:(NSNotification *)textObject;
- (void)layoutManager:(NSLayoutManager *)layoutManager didCompleteLayoutForTextContainer:(NSTextContainer *)textContainer atEnd:(BOOL)layoutFinishedFlag;
- (BOOL)windowShouldClose:(id)sender;
- (void)windowWillClose:(NSNotification *)notification;
- (void)fixUpScrollViewBackgroundColor:(NSNotification *)notification;


@interface Document (ReadWrite)

/* File loading. Returns NO if not successful. Doesn't set documentName. */
- (BOOL)loadFromPath:(NSString *)fileName encoding:(int)encoding;	/* If Unknown, tries to guess */
- (BOOL)saveToPath:(NSString *)fileName encoding:(int)encoding updateFilenames:(BOOL)updateFIleNamesFlag;


These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.