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#import "PGPfrontEnd.h" @implementation PGPfrontEnd - init { [super init]; cryptor = [[Cryptor alloc] init]; return self; } - (void)dealloc { [cryptor release]; [super dealloc]; return; } - (void)encrypt:(NSPasteboard *)pboard userData:(NSString *)inData error:(NSString **)error { [self filterPasteboard:ENCRYPT options:nil pasteBoard:pboard]; [cryptor showStatus:self]; *error = nil; return; } - (void)decrypt:(NSPasteboard *)pboard userData:(NSString *)inData error:(NSString **)error { [self filterPasteboard:DECRYPT options:nil pasteBoard:pboard]; [cryptor showStatus:self]; *error = nil; return; } - (void)decryptInWindow:(NSPasteboard *)pboard userData:(NSString *)inData error:(NSString **)error { [self filterPasteboard:DECRYPT options:nil pasteBoard:pboard]; [cryptor showStatus:self]; [cryptor showOutput:self]; *error = nil; return; } - (void)encryptAndSign:(NSPasteboard *)pboard userData:(NSString *)inData error:(NSString **)error { NSMutableArray *optionArray; optionArray = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObject:@"-s"]; [self filterPasteboard:ENCRYPT options:optionArray pasteBoard:pboard]; [cryptor showStatus:self]; *error = nil; return; } - (void)checkSig:(NSPasteboard *)pboard userData:(NSString *)inData error:(NSString **)error { [self filterPasteboard:CHECKSIG options:nil pasteBoard:pboard]; [cryptor showStatus:self]; *error = nil; return; } - (void)clearSign:(NSPasteboard *)pboard userData:(NSString *)inData error:(NSString **)error { [self filterPasteboard:CLEARSIGN options:nil pasteBoard:pboard]; [cryptor showStatus:self]; *error = nil; return; } - (void)detachedSig:(NSPasteboard *)pboard userData:(NSString *)inData error:(NSString **)error { [self filterPasteboard:DETACHEDSIG options:nil pasteBoard:pboard]; [cryptor showStatus:self]; [cryptor showOutput:self]; *error = nil; return; } - (void)encryptFiles:(NSPasteboard *)pboard userData:(NSString *)inData error:(NSString **)error { [self filterPasteboardFiles:ENCRYPT options:nil pasteBoard:pboard]; [cryptor showStatus:self]; *error = nil; return; } - (void)decryptFiles:(NSPasteboard *)pboard userData:(NSString *)inData error:(NSString **)error { [self filterPasteboardFiles:DECRYPT options:nil pasteBoard:pboard]; [cryptor showStatus:self]; *error = nil; return; } - (void)encryptIDEA:(NSPasteboard *)pboard userData:(NSString *)inData error:(NSString **)error { [self filterPasteboard:ENCRYPT_IDEA options:nil pasteBoard:pboard]; [cryptor showStatus:self]; *error = nil; return; } - (void)encryptFilesIDEA:(NSPasteboard *)pboard userData:(NSString *)inData error:(NSString **)error { [self filterPasteboardFiles:ENCRYPT_IDEA options:nil pasteBoard:pboard]; [cryptor showStatus:self]; *error = nil; return; } /* Filters a pasteboard selection through PGP, */ /* it encrypts or decrypts depending on the */ /* value of filterMode */ - (void)filterPasteboard:(int)filterMode options:(NSMutableArray *)options pasteBoard:(NSPasteboard *)pboard { NSArray *types; NSString *pgpInString,*pgpOutString; NSData *pgpIn,*pgpOut; char *pgpInBuf,*pgpOutBuf; int pgpInLength,pgpOutLength; if(!options) options = [[[NSMutableArray alloc] init] autorelease]; types = [pboard types]; if(![types containsObject:NSStringPboardType]) { NSLog(@"NXPGP: Pasteboard couldn't give selection"); return; } /* Get input NSString */ pgpInString = [pboard stringForType:NSStringPboardType]; if(!pgpInString) { NSLog(@"NXPGP: Pasteboard couldn't give selection data"); return; } /* Turn NSString into NSData */ pgpInBuf = (char *)[pgpInString cString]; pgpInLength = strlen(pgpInBuf); pgpIn = [NSData dataWithBytes:pgpInBuf length:pgpInLength]; /* Process the input data */ pgpOut = [[cryptor runpgp:filterMode options:options data:pgpIn] retain]; /* Check for errors */ if(!pgpOut) { NSLog(@"PGP cancelled out"); return; } if([pgpOut length] == 0) { NSLog(@"PGP error resulted in null output\n"); [pgpOut release]; return; } /* Convert back to NSString */ pgpOutLength = [pgpOut length]; pgpOutBuf = malloc(pgpOutLength+1); [pgpOut getBytes:pgpOutBuf length:pgpOutLength]; pgpOutBuf[pgpOutLength] = '\0'; pgpOutString = [NSString stringWithCString:pgpOutBuf]; [pgpOut release]; free(pgpOutBuf); types = [NSArray arrayWithObject:NSStringPboardType]; [pboard declareTypes:types owner:nil]; [pboard setString:pgpOutString forType:NSStringPboardType]; return; } /* Filters a list of files or directories from */ /* the pasteboard through PGP. It encrypts or */ /* decrypts depending on the value of filterMode */ - (void)filterPasteboardFiles:(int)filterMode options:(NSMutableArray *)options pasteBoard:(NSPasteboard *)pboard { NSArray *pasteboardNames; NSMutableArray *fileNames; NSArray *types; int iname; fileNames = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; if(!options) options = [[[NSMutableArray alloc] init] autorelease]; types = [pboard types]; if(![types containsObject:NSFilenamesPboardType]) { NSLog(@"NXPGP: Pasteboard couldn't give Filename selection"); return; } pasteboardNames = [pboard propertyListForType:NSFilenamesPboardType]; if(!pasteboardNames) { NSLog(@"NXPGP: Pasteboard couldn't give Filename data"); return; } /* Turn all directory names into an array of all the */ /* filenames in the subdirectory tree */ for(iname=0; iname<[pasteboardNames count]; iname++) { NSString *currentName; BOOL isDir; isDir = NO; currentName = [pasteboardNames objectAtIndex:iname]; [[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:currentName isDirectory:&isDir]; if(isDir) { NSArray *subDirNames; NSString *fullName; int isubname; subDirNames = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] subpathsAtPath:currentName]; for(isubname=0; isubname<[subDirNames count]; isubname++) { fullName = [currentName stringByAppendingPathComponent: [subDirNames objectAtIndex:isubname]]; [fileNames addObject:fullName]; } } else [fileNames addObject:currentName]; } for(iname=0; iname<[fileNames count]; iname++) NSLog([NSString stringWithFormat:@" %@",[fileNames objectAtIndex:iname]]); [self filterPGPFiles:fileNames mode:filterMode options:options]; return; } /* Filters an array of files (ONLY FILES!) */ /* through PGP. It encrypts or decrypts */ /* depending on the value of filterMode */ - (void)filterPGPFiles:(NSMutableArray *)fileArray mode:(int)filterMode options:(NSMutableArray *)options { NSPanel *infoPanel; NSData *pgpIn,*pgpOut; NSTextField *fileTextField; int ifile; infoPanel = encryptInfoPanel; fileTextField = encryptFileTextField; switch(filterMode) { case ENCRYPT: case ENCRYPT_IDEA: infoPanel = encryptInfoPanel; fileTextField = encryptFileTextField; break; case DECRYPT: infoPanel = decryptInfoPanel; fileTextField = decryptFileTextField; break; } for(ifile=0; ifile<[fileArray count]; ifile++) { NSString *oldFile,*newFile; int result; oldFile = [fileArray objectAtIndex:ifile]; [fileTextField setStringValue:oldFile]; [infoPanel display]; [infoPanel flushWindow]; [infoPanel makeKeyAndOrderFront:self]; pgpIn = [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:oldFile]; pgpOut = [[cryptor runpgp:filterMode options:options data:pgpIn] retain]; /* Check for errors */ if(!pgpOut) { NSLog(@"NXPGP: PGP cancelled out"); [infoPanel orderOut:self]; [cryptor clearRecipient:self]; [cryptor clearIdeaPhrase:self]; [cryptor clearDecryptPhrase:self]; return; } if([pgpOut length] == 0) { NSLog(@"PGP error resulted in null output\n"); [infoPanel orderOut:self]; [cryptor clearRecipient:self]; [cryptor clearIdeaPhrase:self]; [cryptor clearDecryptPhrase:self]; [pgpOut release]; return; } /* Write back to file */ switch(filterMode) { case ENCRYPT: case ENCRYPT_IDEA: newFile = [oldFile stringByAppendingString:@".pgp"]; if([[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:newFile]) { result = NSRunAlertPanel([NSString stringWithFormat:@"File %@ Exists",newFile], @"Over Write Existing File?",@"Yes",@"No",0); switch(result) { case NSAlertDefaultReturn: [pgpOut writeToFile:newFile atomically:NO]; break; default: break; } } else [pgpOut writeToFile:newFile atomically:NO]; break; case DECRYPT: newFile = [oldFile stringByDeletingPathExtension]; if([[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:newFile]) { result = NSRunAlertPanel([NSString stringWithFormat:@"File %@ Exists",newFile], @"Over Write Existing File?",@"Yes",@"No",0); switch(result) { case NSAlertDefaultReturn: [pgpOut writeToFile:newFile atomically:NO]; break; default: break; } } else [pgpOut writeToFile:newFile atomically:NO]; break; default: break; } [pgpOut release]; } [infoPanel orderOut:self]; [cryptor clearRecipient:self]; [cryptor clearIdeaPhrase:self]; [cryptor clearDecryptPhrase:self]; return; } - showStatus:sender { [cryptor showStatus:self]; return self; } - showOutput:sender { [cryptor showOutput:self]; return self; } /****************** NSApplication Delegate Routines *************************/ - (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)aNotification { [NSApp setServicesProvider:self]; return; } - (BOOL)application:(NSApplication *)anApp openFile:(NSString *)aFile { NSData *pgpIn,*pgpOut; NSMutableArray *options; NSString *newFile; int result; [decryptFileTextField setStringValue:aFile]; [decryptInfoPanel display]; [decryptInfoPanel flushWindow]; [decryptInfoPanel makeKeyAndOrderFront:self]; options = [[[NSMutableArray alloc] init] autorelease]; pgpIn = [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:aFile]; pgpOut = [[cryptor runpgp:DECRYPT options:options data:pgpIn] retain]; /* Check for errors */ if(!pgpOut) { NSLog(@"NXPGP: PGP cancelled out"); [decryptInfoPanel orderOut:self]; [cryptor clearIdeaPhrase:self]; [cryptor clearDecryptPhrase:self]; return NO; } if([pgpOut length] == 0) { NSLog(@"PGP error resulted in null output\n"); [decryptInfoPanel orderOut:self]; [cryptor clearIdeaPhrase:self]; [cryptor clearDecryptPhrase:self]; [pgpOut release]; return NO; } /* Write back to file */ newFile = [aFile stringByDeletingPathExtension]; if([[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:newFile]) { result = NSRunAlertPanel([NSString stringWithFormat:@"File %@ Exists",newFile], @"Over Write Existing File?",@"Yes",@"No",0); switch(result) { case NSAlertDefaultReturn: [pgpOut writeToFile:newFile atomically:NO]; break; default: break; } } else [pgpOut writeToFile:newFile atomically:NO]; [pgpOut release]; [decryptInfoPanel orderOut:self]; [cryptor clearIdeaPhrase:self]; [cryptor clearDecryptPhrase:self]; return YES; } #if 0 /**************************** Cryptor Test Routines *************************/ - encryptTest:sender { NSMutableArray *options; NSData *pgpIn,*pgpOut; options = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; pgpIn = [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:@"/junk/tmp/dumpgp.c"]; pgpOut = [cryptor runpgp:ENCRYPT options:options data:pgpIn]; [pgpOut writeToFile:@"/tmp/pgpOutput.pgp" atomically:NO]; return self; } - encryptSignTest:sender { NSMutableArray *options; NSData *pgpIn,*pgpOut; options = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithObjects:@"-s", nil]; pgpIn = [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:@"/junk/tmp/dumpgp.c"]; pgpOut = [cryptor runpgp:ENCRYPT options:options data:pgpIn]; [pgpOut writeToFile:@"/tmp/pgpOutput.pgp" atomically:NO]; return self; } - checkSigTest:sender { NSMutableArray *options; NSData *pgpIn,*pgpOut; options = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; pgpIn = [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:@"/junk/tmp/dumpgp.c.clearsign"]; pgpOut = [cryptor runpgp:CHECKSIG options:options data:pgpIn]; return self; } - decryptTest:sender { NSMutableArray *options; NSData *pgpIn,*pgpOut; options = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; pgpIn = [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:@"/junk/tmp/"]; pgpOut = [cryptor runpgp:DECRYPT options:options data:pgpIn]; return self; } - clearSignTest:sender { NSMutableArray *options; NSData *pgpIn,*pgpOut; options = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; pgpIn = [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:@"/junk/tmp/dumpgp.c"]; pgpOut = [cryptor runpgp:CLEARSIGN options:options data:pgpIn]; return self; } - detachedSigTest:sender { NSMutableArray *options; NSData *pgpIn,*pgpOut; options = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; pgpIn = [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:@"/junk/tmp/dumpgp.c"]; pgpOut = [cryptor runpgp:DETACHEDSIG options:options data:pgpIn]; return self; } #endif @end
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