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/* -*-C-*- ******************************************************************************* * * File: EnhanceMail.m * RCS: $Header: /usr/local/lib/cvs/EnhanceMail/EnhanceMail.m,v 1996/06/25 13:44:09 cedman Exp $ * Description: * Author: Carl Edman * Created: Fri Oct 13 11:48:05 1995 * Modified: Tue Jun 25 09:20:02 1996 (Carl Edman) * Language: C * Package: N/A * Status: Experimental (Do Not Distribute) * * (C) Copyright 1995, but otherwise this file is perfect freeware. * ******************************************************************************* */ #import "EnhanceMail.h" #import "Preferences.h" #import <ctype.h> #import <sys/wait.h> NXBundle *EnhanceBundle=0; char *EnhanceVersion="X"; char *regerrval=0; static const char *CVSName="$Name: release2_0b4 $"; static BOOL windowsOnUnhide=NO; BOOL EnhanceControlP(void) { NXEvent *ev=[NXApp currentEvent]; return ev && (ev->flags & NX_CONTROLMASK); } BOOL EnhanceShiftP(void) { NXEvent *ev=[NXApp currentEvent]; return ev && (ev->flags & NX_SHIFTMASK); } BOOL EnhanceAlternateP(void) { NXEvent *ev=[NXApp currentEvent]; return ev && (ev->flags & NX_ALTERNATEMASK); } BOOL EnhancePaths(const char *paths[]) { int i; char path[MAXPATHLEN+1]; if (EnhanceBundle==0) EnhanceBundle=[NXBundle bundleForClass:[EnhanceMail class]]; for(i=0;paths[i];i++) { if ((paths[i][0]=='~') && (paths[i][1]=='/')) { sprintf(path,"%s%s",NXHomeDirectory(),paths[i]+1); paths[i]=NXUniqueString(path); } else if ((paths[i][0]=='#') && (paths[i][1]=='/')) { sprintf(path,"%s%s",[EnhanceBundle directory],paths[i]+1); paths[i]=NXUniqueString(path); } } return YES; } void regerror(char *s) { [NXApp logError:"regexp(3): %s",s]; } @implementation EnhanceMail + finishLoading:(struct mach_header *)header { const char *beg=CVSName,*end=CVSName+strlen(CVSName); [self poseAs:[self superclass]]; [NXApp changeClassTo:[self class]]; while((beg<=end) && !isdigit(*beg)) beg++; while((beg<=end) && !isdigit(*end)) end--; if (beg<end) { char *c; end++; EnhanceVersion=strncpy(malloc(end-beg+1),beg,end-beg); EnhanceVersion[end-beg]='\0'; for(c=EnhanceVersion;*c;c++) if (*c=='_') *c='.'; } return self; } - initialCheck:sender { if ([self isHidden]) { windowsOnUnhide=YES; } else { if (EnhanceLaunchMailboxes) [(MailDriver *)NXApp mailboxes:self]; if (EnhanceLaunchAddresses) [(MailDriver *)NXApp address:self]; } return [super initialCheck:sender]; } - appDidUnhide:sender { if (windowsOnUnhide) { if (EnhanceLaunchMailboxes) [(MailDriver *)NXApp mailboxes:self]; if (EnhanceLaunchAddresses) [(MailDriver *)NXApp address:self]; windowsOnUnhide=NO; } return [super appDidUnhide:sender]; } - (BOOL)updateCell:cell { return [super updateCell:cell]; } @end @implementation Menu(EnhanceMail) - findCellWithTitle:(const char *)title { id cell=nil; int x, y, rows, cols; const char *c,*end; if (title==0) return nil; for(end=title;(*end) && (*end!='/');end++); [matrix getNumRows:&rows numCols:&cols]; for(y=0;(y<rows) && (cell==nil);y++) for(x=0;(x<cols) && (cell==nil);x++) { if ((cell=[matrix cellAt:y:x])==nil) continue; if (((c=[cell title])==0)||(strncmp(title,c,end-title)!=0)||(c[end-title]!='\0')) cell=nil; } if (cell==nil) return nil; else if ((*end!='\0') && [cell hasSubmenu]) return [[cell target] findCellWithTitle:end+1]; else if (*end=='\0') return cell; else return nil; } - addSlashItem:(const char *)title action:(SEL)sel keyEquivalent:(unsigned short)code { id cell=nil; int x, y, rows, cols; const char *c,*end; if (title==0) return nil; for(end=title;(*end) && (*end!='/');end++); [matrix getNumRows:&rows numCols:&cols]; for(y=0;(y<rows) && (cell==nil);y++) for(x=0;(x<cols) && (cell==nil);x++) { if ((cell=[matrix cellAt:y:x])==nil) continue; if (((c=[cell title])==0)||(strncmp(title,c,end-title)!=0)||(c[end-title]!='\0')) cell=nil; } if ((cell==nil) && (*end=='\0')) { cell=[self addItem:title action:sel keyEquivalent:code]; [self display]; return cell; } else if (cell==nil) { char *d=alloca(end-title+1); strncpy(d,title,end-title); d[end-title]='\0'; cell=[self addItem:d action:0 keyEquivalent:0]; [self setSubmenu:[[Menu alloc] initTitle:d] forItem:cell]; [self display]; return [[cell target] addSlashItem:end+1 action:sel keyEquivalent:code]; } else if ((*end!='\0') && [cell hasSubmenu]) return [[cell target] addSlashItem:end+1 action:sel keyEquivalent:code]; else if (*end=='\0') return cell; else return nil; } @end @implementation Object(EnhanceMail) - changeClassTo:class { /* Don't try this at home, kids */ isa=class; return self; } @end @implementation ButtonCell(EnhanceMail) - (int)state { return [self intValue]; } - setState:(int)anInt { return [self setIntValue:anInt]; } @end
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